
Like I said, it’s problematic and I by no means approve or wish to joke about rape. If it was Batgirl getting drugged and having sex with Ra’s, well, it goes without saying that would be bad. I feel bad for Batman—he’s such a Gary Stu they can’t have him having a moment of human need and so this situation is created.

The drugged thing is creepy and I don’t mean to make light of it. I remain unconvinced ol Batsy doesn’t like a little noncon play, however.

My main questions is, why can’t they just have sex? He likes her, she likes him, they’ve been flirting since the 1970s. This didn’t have to be any more complicated than:

“Remember our night together?”

“It was a mistake, Talia.”

“Miyamoto’s got a Muppet? May as well nickname it Other M!”

She looks like my grandma, who is black though terribly light skinned. (And as a frequenter of historically black churches, her hat game is ON POINT!)

Online Personality Tests are Horoscopes for People who Think they are too Smart for Horoscopes

That’s right, dude.... He peed in your fucking Tardis.

I think that was the point that I was very poorly trying to get across. It was an encouragement thing, not a super-competitive thing until the co-worker took it to the next level just so she wouldn’t lose. However, I see the points of Danger and Daniel, much as I hate to admit it. But thanks for elucidating what I

I wasn’t trying to be judgemental. I was trying to point out how silly your complaint sounded from my perspective and give you a chance to explain more clearly. That’s why I went out of my way to point out that I might not be understanding correctly. Now that you’ve explained it more clearly, it’s even more silly.

This guy I seriously an inspiration. Not only has he re-invigorated the U.S. Concerning electric vehicles, which should be a no-brainier, he is almost single-handedley furthering space exploration for our entire species. That is an amazing line on any persons resume, living or dead.

So, pretending to be black gives you a leg up in the world? Is your point that black people actually have it pretty good? Just wondering...

But on one hand, isn’t that a bit similar to the argument that trans women aren’t “really” women because they didn’t experience the same struggles as cis women? Aren’t both race and gender both socially constructed and, therefore, fluid?

I don’t think Rachel’s story is an example of a truly trapped person, but...

OMG star trek cat.

The attacker was able to flee the scene because everyone runs faster with a knife.

This is some brave shit.

"I am destruction. I am death." - That chicken