
Infiltrating the Reich maybe a hard sell but there were female spy’s, and some good ones though they did not get full props till much later :(

If the character fits the story I don’t care one way or the other. If you are forcing a character into a role that is written as garbage or that doesnt fit it wont work.

These “actual” complaints are usually brought up by people who know fuck and all about actual history.

Oh boy, the so called “gamer community” will surely be happy with that!

Quiet’s constant objectification throughout MGSV, not to mention the convenient plot-based excuse they keep her nearly silent was almost off-putting enough for me to quit the game. I’m not online enough to know how much outrage it generated but it certainly offended me. I think the breaking point where I nearly

I worked on this game as a Game Designer. It was going to be epic and was doing things that weren’t done in open world games at the time. It had an excellent Meta Game as well as a finely crafted story by an industry veteran.

This is also one of the best teams I had the opportunity to work with during my career. It was

Gonna bring that up huh? You know that case was A. McDonald’s fault, because she just tried to settle for the cost of the medical bills ($20k). B. Was a valid case. The coffee was so far over the maximum allowed that it caused 3rd degree burns and burned over 16% of her body. C. She only got $200k. The punitive

You do realize she was genuinely burned, right? Like, the coffee was so hot it actually, genuinely scarred her skin. Look beyond the meme and you'll find that lawsuit was legit.

Except that quote is a perfect Rorschach test.

Thank you, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills with how many dudebros saw this trial and thought “Surely this guy who had two judgements against him for beating his wife was the hero all along.”

Charles Martinet was right there

Yeah I’m not buying it from him.

Then why doesn’t he renounce everything he’s done? Why is he still in hiding trying to get laid by lying about himself?

This right here.

Counterpoint: no. When neo-Nazis go underground, that just lets them escape culpability for all the harm they caused. If he wants redemption, he can loudly and publicly denounce the movement he once led. He can fight, like a number of ex-neo-Nazis have, to destroy the organizations he previously supported. He isn’t

If he’s seriously reformed, I think he owes it to the country to be much more public about it. Explain his reasons and show that he understands why his previous positions were so awful. He wasn’t just some random conservative who saw the error of his ways, he was a white nationalist leader.

Is her opening cinematic just her shooting the nuts off every ActiBlizz exec with that shotgun? Because yeah that’s literally the only thing that’d make me interested in anything else this company does.

maybe just trust that the internal report had enough detail—which we’re not privy to—to be damning. all you’re doing is second guessing a description in a kotaku article. 

Yawn, another (liberal) author for a video game website trying to take a hit at one of the most innovative men to ever live.”

“I have no choice...”  Fuck off.  You are literally on a “gaming reviews, news and tips” website which is an option to get an idea of a game before you buy it.