
Ever since Reagan(in the case of the most obvious), corporate executives have been hard at work at conditioning the public to be exploited, overworked, underpaid for the “good of America”, and ignoring economical shifts that hurt the bottom line, while CEOs rake in the profits of everyone else’s work. Nationalism

The alternative is to drag the execs into the streets and bludgeon them until worker complaints are addressed, just like in the good ol’ days before unions. You’d think treating your employees with a modicum of respect and/or collective bargaining would be preferable to that outcome, but I’m not some fancy executive

Yep. If the corporate suits were going to fix the problem then they would have by now. Which means they were NEVER going to fix it. The only recourse left was worker-led action and unionization.  

When the company is posting record profits and CEOs and other exces are pulling in record bonuses while the employees actually doing the work are overworked and underpaid, the only solution *IS* to unionize. How many times will this lesson have be learned before it finally sticks??

motherfucker.. you can’t go anywhere without a fucking keemstar clip showing up?

It makes sense to use the common spelling because it’s an international product and then find themselves in a situation where they don’t feel quite so warm about just about anything Russian right now, even simple things like spelling proper nouns, considering the bombs going off in their back yards. I’m not inclined

No, it would not be.

One shudders to imagine his take on the Hobbits’ feet.

Despite the article being about and featuring pictures of terrifying animatronic monstrosities, the most disturbing image in the post is photo of Mitch McConnell.

Most good people are constantly worried they may not be a good person.

Irrespective of the context of the whole thing, I do think “I know that I’m a good person” is a statement that genuinely good people don’t often make. I feel like usually genuinely good people are always trying to be better people. 

Ask the guys down at BJ’s Restaurants.

some of the women who have come forward have attempted suicide because of all the attacks from his fans and the media isn’t really getting into this story and he’s running around the cayman islands partying, getting high, and abusing women.

God I hope this thread doesn’t become a shitshow. Here goes:

It works in-game as matching the way in which real-world companies will use/exploit minorities in adverts to sell things, but the problem was how that image emerged when the twitter page for the game was happily playing into transphobia.

gun play with higher guns feels pretty good, and melee has been great.

Yeah i agree, it would be different if there was only the first movie in these franchises, but both RoboCop and Rambo have strayed so far from the originals that having them fight time hopping ninjas aint really that much of a stretch anymore

To be fair, most of the franchises that have shown up have basically already turned themselves into jokes long before showing up in MK.

>Best thing about the game

Must not have ever read a Spawn comic or watched the animated HBO series...yes people like Spawn just like people like Superman for some reason.