
holy shit is there a cursed computer in some dorito-and-cockroach-infested basement composing these cut-and-pasted whinefests out of some sort of wretched neural network? buncha virgin-ass nerds thinking any criticism of a game is somehow an attack on them and an entire genre.

you need to learn to separate your overemotional reactions to critiques of video games from reality. There’s nothing biased in this piece at all. It’s a generally positive review calling the game a success at what it wanted to be. He offered a critique as it stands up against modern games of the same genre and how a

Because men are trash.

As gamers, we face every type of preconception and stereotype from the outset

I agree with you on almost every single one, but I will die on Nicolas Cage hill....

No, this is like going to your job as a flight attendant, being delayed - as is common in your job, and dealing with people making shit jokes as part of your job. Because it’s your job.

If the passengers had been waiting for several hours, then the flight attendant had also been waiting for several hours, while working, plus she probably had to start working an hour or two earlier than the passengers. Also, just as the passengers will have to sit  for the duration of the flight once it finally takes

Cool. Next time you order food at a restaurant and they deliver a raw chunk of meat, remember that you’re okay with unfinished product.

You’re a fucking idiot. No Man’s Sky ONLY got fixed because the gaming press called them out on their shit. Final Fantasy ONLY got reborn because the gaming press and players called them out on their shit.

Lol MMO. 24 max players is not an MMO. Don’t liken this akin to the unknown environment of mid 2000s MMO development, where nobody knew anything. What an intellectually dishonest comparison.

And many of US are tired of $60 games that ship fucking *broke*. You know what never got patched? Super Mario Bros. Either you’re an entitled teen/twentysomething gamer with NO sense of history or you're a Xennial/Xer who has forgotten your roots.

I’m actually impressed that you didn’t mention the Bethesda published MMO ailing elephant in the room: ESO—which I think did a better job bridging the aforementioned gap.

You know, at this point it’s no longer a bug. This is a feature.


You missed the “We should repeal the 13th Ammendment” and other attempts at making slavery look like it’s a good thing.

Wow I think South Park may have been wrong this time around. He’s way crazier than they made him look on the show.

Anyone else find these not funny and boring? I gave it a shot watched all the videos and tried my hardest to enjoy them. Sadly the enjoyment never was realized.

Now playing

and the worst ones elicit at least a chuckle.

what’s the point?

Even the music recommendations aren’t safe lol. After listening to Cockney Rejects, Angelic Upstarts, Cock Sparrer, and Sham 69, Youtube suggested I listen to Skrewdriver.