
"Actually I'd probably pick up the HD remasters of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, but if I were that interested I'd just buy them for PS2. And as for $249, the day that Sony stopped building emotion engines, and thus hardware backwards compatibility (see 20, 60 gig launch PS3s) into their systems was the day I

I was picking up what you were putting down. The house is just what you used as an example to facilitate the analogy, not saying that these were real world conditions that could take place. The house is the game and the extension is the DLC, not to be thought of as anything more than a visual tool, and I thought it

America is a country, North America is a continent.

This show looks fantastic! 666 Park Ave. and Zero Hour look pretty good but I think this one might better. Thanks for posting this trailer and the others!

2) It looked like a ship being pieced together, maybe, but it definitely looked angry.

Hopefully a lot of things will change with Kaz at the helm. I'm looking forward to what he can do for the company as a whole now that he's not just the boss of Playstation.

How does one load up their shit of fun?!

So you think Capcom won't make a version of a game for the Vita that has historically sold millions of cpies of games and moved hundreds of thousands of systems each time one launches because sales are slow? That's funny. Though I do agree that Sony needs to buckle and drop the price of the system and memory, as well

That looks nothing like a Kinect and looks exactly like a Playstation Eye. Really that whole statement needs to be corrected because it's very wrong and sends the wrong message to readers that don't know any better.

Yeah, not really, but keep on thinking that in your nice little loop of false logic. I'll just say that the Vita and it's interoperability between it and a console were announced before the Wii U and the Playstation Eye existed before Kinect, way before. Feature for feature they are different devices and each company

If Mass Effect were a book or movie then the ending wouldn't be able to be changed no matter how hard people bitched about the lack of closure. They shouldn't give in and people need to accept that this team gave us an ending they felt was appropriate whether gamers like it or not.

It's probably been said on here many times already but Journey is amazing and everyone should at least give it one complete go. It moved me in a way that Flower almost did and the fact that I would just randomly meet up with other players was just icing on the cake. I don't care that they aren't exclusive so long as

This is fantastic, and I say that only because I did 'shrooms once and experienced a shortened version of this. I laughed uncontrollably for nearly the entire trip and it was the purest laughter that has ever come out of me and watching this guy laugh makes me laugh like that again.

That's just about how I feel about that one.

I have only Platinum-ed one game on that list, Uncharted, but I am just about there for a few of them. Uncharted 2 I have about 4 trophies left, Infamous I have 2 left but I am convinced I will never find the last shard I need for one of them, AC2 I have yet to complete the whole game, and God of War 1, 2, and 3 need

It's fairly evident throughout the show but there are episodes that either directly reference it, show the aftermath of varying wars and/or disasters, and so on. Off the top of my head I would say that these episodes are good for getting that it is post-apoc:

Not only is that true but they started doing it immediately following the release of Final Fantasy VII...

I just got a 320GB Slim and I don't know what brand HDD is in there but I have definitely noticed an improvement over the load times my 80GB threw at me. The only long loads now are going from the UT-44 back to Normandy load screen. Everything else is much shorter than I remembered it being. Could be wrong and my mind

Well, Sony would likely bundle the new Eye with the PS4 so there would be no special or raised pricing. Microsoft will do the same with Kinect 2.0 as motion controls are now a de facto form of game control. That would be the next logical step and with Hirai's stepping into the biggest boy shoes there are to fill at

I'm not mad and had a great time with the game. I think the problem is with the fact that there is no currently announced third title so they assume that the true end of the game will be DLC. If that is the case it had better be a substantial amount of game for DLC because if it's some five dollar shit then I will be