
The game auto-saves so there are no save points. You would be better off just buying it but not until you finish XIII. The new game is considerably better than XIII and I liked XIII a lot (except the linear nature of the game). Also, the demo isn't the first area of the game. If you like FFXIII just a little bit then

Seriously get on their site and send them a message to tell them it's not a big deal. I'm at Gwyn now and not one time have I had a game stopping issue. Sure there are some slow points but they are so few and far between that it should not keep them from making another game. I need more Dark Souls.

That is so true, my wife loves the Ewoks so much ROTJ is her favorite movie, and that's the only reason. They are just so damn cute according to her... every time we watch the movie(s).

While I agree with these points I want to add that it happens on the PSN, but publishers set those prices. It's the Sony/Microsoft first-party games that get full retail pricing that tells me they don't get it but they want it to happen. However, there are some pretty good deals going on all the time for various games

This is great news but it would be nice if the warp/save feature being added could be patched into the PS3 version. Eden is still one of my all time favorite games, so I think I may play it now.

How about you posting a link to go along with your post and also sending it the way of the editor via the tips link?! I would certainly like to read about this.

I grew up in roughly the same type of household though with my stepfather instead of my biological father. My bio-father, when I was growing up, was a tolerant individual whose best friend was black and derided the mistreatment of homosexuals. Now he's visibly a staunch conservative that is intolerant and paranoid, as

This got me even more pumped for the movie. The only speculation I have to offer is that the person in the room is a Space Jockey and that the aliens themselves are nothing until they get inside a host. From there they take on the worst characteristics of the being they inhabit to become a weapon.

This is not only how I feel about old SF but is exactly what I did when I started watching the new series. I try my best to watch the old ones but it's excruciating because of the picture quality.

I'm definitely getting the HD collection. The first Silent Hill is the scariest game I have ever played (I know scarier games exist now) and I never played through any of them to completion. Turn the lights off and let the atmosphere take over as my skin tries to jump off my body, sounds like good times.

This would just be amazing if it pans out. After 15 years of chronic leg/knee/back pain it would be a blessing to not have to take pain killers anymore. Getting my energy back... I wish I could do this right now.

Yeah, though I still love the series, Uncharted 3 was a mess of plot holes and doesn't deserve a reward for writing. There were some pretty grievous things wrong with the plot that affected the pacing of the game and the way it ended.

I am the same. I want my body left intact and I want to be shot into space to drift among to cosmos forever. If my wife and I can be shot into space together than it would be the perfect resting place for us. I like to think it will happen because who knows what will be affordable by the time we die.

If you mean that in a way that disparages Tameem for crying over sales after the release of every game they have ever made and blame everyone and their brother for why the game didn't do well, then I agree with your sentiment 100%.

For me it comes down to one thing only: My love of Sony's developers like Sucker Punch and Naughty Dog, and the franchises they and other first party devs put out. After that second party developers like Insomniac (third party now, but with exclusive franchises) and nostalgia gaming are what keep me with Playstation.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma is considerably better than Sigma 2, and if you haven't played Sigma 1 it's super cheap so you should. This is a worthwhile purchase as long as it isn't priced too high.

I would say that if I finished the story mode on a fighting game then it can be considered "finished". That's a technicality but you could also say they were "finished conditionally" with an abbreviation of 'FC'

This doesn't seem any different than any other GOTY edition that comes out 12-24 months post-release. They've already improved the launch version, this is just one with all of those fixes built -in so you don't have to spend a bunch of time downloading updates/DLC. If you really want to nitpick about it just buy a

So that's how long I have to wait to get it off my system?! At least now I know it's not a permanent thing.

Platinum Games is one of the few companies that makes gameplay so good and fun that the story doesn't really need to make a whole lot of sense. I was concerned after watching a new/old comparison video last night that everything making Rising look good, mainly the super fine slicing, had been removed in favor of a