
Played R3 from beginning to end last night and finished around 6:30 this morning. I was let down, took a nap, cleaned some and started Disgaea 4 instead which brought me joy.

I'm calling shenanigans on the first quote. Not to say that some games do not have trouble selling, some probably do, and some less than XBLA even. This guy though is the pot calling the kettle black when it comes to bringing up TM bitching while simultaneously bitching about the PSN and having never released a game

I am going to get Dark Souls at launch and continue playing Disgaea 4 and hope that drowns out the absolute garbage job Insomniac did on wrapping up Resistance in a meaningful way. Total let down and makes me fearful that Ratchet and Clank A4O is going to be a sub-par addition to that series as well. Two weeks to find

The language here is a bit stronger than it should be but region locking the 3DS was a dick move on Nintendo's part. No excuse for that kind of thing during the current gaming age and into the future. They literally took a step backward when planning by locking down regional content. The whole price/Ambassador thing,

Agreed, but I didn't care for Afterlife as much as the previous three. I think the first two were pretty great popcorn flicks, but I hope they tone down the whole 'Hey, it's the same 3D as Avatar!" shit that was RE4 with this next one.

Whatever the reason(s) may be, I sincerely hope that the launch units for the west come in a similar rainbow assortment as Japan. If I have to settle for a black PSV I will be mighty pissed. White or silver will be acceptable but I would prefer the same options as Japan. Not the exact same colors but at least blue,

I promoted this in the hopes that someone will answer you because I don't know, I am sure however that one or two people can without it devolving into a mess of name calling.

It would have so much better if they had used this on my son's face after he was bit by a dog a couple of years ago. Not hearing him scream and having to hold him down would have been considerably preferable, but hopefully this can be put into use fast enough that others no longer have to experience something similar.

Or you know, they could make it a little bit longer so it doesn't look crammed onto the sides of the screen. I don't know how this could be preferable to any redesign Nintendo comes up with because that cradle is so ugly I would be embarrassed to play it anywhere but home.

It doesn't matter that MHT is bundled with it or is it exclusively Capcom's fault. Nintendo could have just as easily went ahead and added a second thumbstick to the 3DS. Every gamer is now inherently familiar and comfortable using two analogues for control; it should have been one of the first things Nintendo should

Naughty Dog wouldn't handle something like that. Sony is who you need to direct that question towards and you should. Same thing for Ratchet and Clank HD remakes in case you were wondering and/or hoping that one day as well.

This is not the right series of games to pull this shit with. I'm not a huge lover of all things DQ but this seems like a major step in the wrong direction. I wish I could understand what the hell they hope to accomplish with this move because I can't imagine it sitting well with casual or hardcore fans of the series.

Kotaku has regional based websites and are not exclusive to the US so it would be silly of them to offer a global offer on the US site when they could be running another contest on one of the regional sites. While I think US contests should really just be North America to include Canadians, there is still Kotaku

Sony does not own Insomniac, they are totally independent and have chosen to make games for Sony since the first Playstation. Sony does own the IP's but Playstation Lifestyle is an independent game site as well and implying what you are implying is just really childish. I would be more concerned with the fact the GI

I will definitely be getting Resistance 3 and most probably Disgaea 4, but I may have to push it back a week.

Yeah, my wife and I, especially my wife, really love Torchwood but this shit is a hot mess of boring. There was just so much nothing that could have been condensed down and put into other episodes that it's made the show drag on and bore me to tears. I don't mind the sex scenes in any show but when they are overtly

It's pearl people, not white, and if you think it's white then look to some point on the page for an example of white. Actual white that is. Pearl is an off white but the way it's used on this PS3 makes it look almost like a light gold - if there is such a thing. I want it though, I want it now and shit like this

They are just pricing with the market, and at least they aren't pricing themselves out of it with an insane price. Toshiba, Samsung, etc. have tablets running a cool $500 as well so I don't see what the big deal is. Now if they had priced it at $700 there would be a huge problem and they shouldn't even bother, but at

From what I can tell it looks like they have taken the standard firefight sections of the games and made them constantly evolving this time. And I love that idea. Granted I'll I've seen is this and the flame engulfed mansion, but not being pinned down to cover while shooting at a couple of waves of enemies will be