
As was pointed out above, I took the lightning strike at the close of last shot to mean that Cole was either still alive or could be revived. He very well could have absorbed all the conduits power and fallen into a sort of stasis that resembles death. It wasn't elaborated on and I will continue to believe this until

The number is irrelevant anyways so who cares?! A lot of that 70 million is a single user with multiple accounts. I have four or five myself just so I can download demos from EU and Japan, my primary and back-up account that my son uses, and a HK account that I don't access anymore. Millions of other people do the

Wow, that took me back, way back. I used to love getting those catalog's before Christmas and circling every damn thing I thought looked good. Never got any of it because there was no way in hell my parents would have bought me a NeoGeo or TG-16 given how incredibly expensive they were, especially the former. That's

Doesn't look like they will be sticking up too much and are probably a bit more nested into the device. Hopefully that would keep them from even coming close to a break.

Let it be both, even maybe the Wii-U when it launches, keeping it on one system is just stupid. I also really just want to play it in HD on a big screen.

While I don't really play Call of Duty, or Activision games really, this seems like a fair deal for the people that do. I can't imagine why any super fan would want to pass it up with all that's on offer. I was really expecting something less but this is surprisingly good, as such it will likely make Activision enough

That's a load of horseshit and you know it. If you don't, well, then shame on you. I thought these myths and shit were put to rest years ago but apparently that is not the case.

No. No you are not.

The only good reason to actually get something at Gamestop is the harder to find things that some retailers don't carry, mostly niche JRPG's and such, but that has started to change a bit. I went in there for the first time in almost three years last weekend and I will never go back because they sold me an unwrapped

I think the '3' needs to be changed to a 'V' following the 'PS' in the top shot.

Let's hope it doesn't even get that far.

I felt, and feel, the exact same as you. And just when I was starting to get used to the creepy and think there might be a shred of decency in there, he had that moment with Jack and those initial feelings came right on back.

I love three of the four shows on AMC more than most TV on today, but if they aren't careful they will lose the critical acclaim and the reasons people watch their shows and just have to go back to showing movies they love. I did not watch anything on AMC before Walking Dead, and it is the sole reason I started

I remember how awesome it was walking through Toys R Us' game aisle in the early 90's and just being blown away by the games on display for the next gen systems. The SNES is still my all time favorite system and likely always will be because the games were just fun, and RPG's just kicked ass all over the place. Even

Thailand should have placed higher or even won altogether because those costumes are fucking amazing! Those Chinese girls are incredibly pretty and the costumes are neat, but they are fairly simple affairs comparatively to Thailand's entrants.

I had this shit drilled into my head in private elementary school through JH to the point that I look back on it now and it should have enraged the shit out of more parents that we were being told these things about not just Metal-type music, but all secular music in general. Fucking bullshit the sum of it, and it

For a split second I thought Grace wiped Henry's mind the same way he did Jack in season 2 two. He pulled a good fake out on Zane there for a second and I got a bit excited about the possibility of he and Jack recovering their lost memories together. Grace is in neuroscience so it wouldn't have been out of the

It's one of the plots I wish would be revisited. I really wanted to see Henry and Jack struggle with the revelation that Henry wiped Carter's memory, and Henry struggle a bit more with watching Kim die again and then again later. I am convinced that the Beverly in this timeline is also from the original timeline and

Loved last weeks episode and Mr. Nigel Murray is pretty awesome as Gary, and this weeks episode was weak sauce in comparison but tolerable until the end. I get the reason why but it came off hokey as hell and the moment would have been better if it was just Dr. Rosen and Rachel sans the talking and other two guys.

Holy hell Krakenstein, that would be awesome! Send that idea over to Syfy immediately, despite the fact that would look at it quizzically, touch and taste the paper, have a seance with it and ultimately decide to cancel the idea for it's complexity. Still, worth a shot.