
Shit, I might just buy a PSP for that demo alone.

See, I like SMB the movie also, but I think it's more of a nostalgia thing than anything else. If I had never seen the movie before and came at it fresh or with no understanding of Mario I would have thought it was total garbage. Also, the script that got Hopper and Hoskins into the movie was 10x better than what they

I just pulled those off Amazon because they were the cheapest I noticed. I got my T-Hex keys from my mom's neighbor on the cheap, I got the three most commonly used for a grand total of $0.75 and it's the best loose change I have ever spent.

I'm buying the biggest goddamn gun you have ever seen. It's so big it's like I reached in and pulled it out of a fuckin' cartoon, or maybe a video game.

You may already have one of these, and even though I get your joke, this is one of the best things to spend a ten spot on:

I agree. Using rats means nothing to me in terms of whether or not our this has implications on human scale understanding of height navigation.

Maybe you're just not looking in the right place?!

I love the Deathspank games but if this game doesn't run smoothly, I am going to be mighty pissed.

If Time Warner had half a brain they would let their own customers use the app for the network that they own. Time Warner owns HBO yet Time Warner customers are not allowed to use HBOGo.

I was surprised they didn't announce a price drop at E3, but they will likely want to time it closer to the fall with all the first-party releases. I need a second PS3 but I'm waiting for the price drop that I know is coming.

I agree, but I am interested in the Wii U. Despite the stupid name it will be nice to have a Nintendo system that has games that look good on an HDTV.

Why did the President fire you or lay you off? Seems he has more important things to do than go and fire people from their jobs. Really, he does, like being the President which he is barely doing.

No he's not, that's never actually been verified as his age. Amy Hennig has only ever said his age as being mid-thirties, but there is no established birth date for Drake. And honestly how anyone could view him as being in his late-twenties is beyond me because he definitely looks 32-35, well traveled and world-weary,

I absolutely agree with this 100%.

There was one recently, just a few weeks ago, here's the link:

I thought so too, but they did end up ordering more episodes after the original announcement which could be why it has been pushed to '12 (if that's the truth). Instead of the dozen or so episodes that were going to air it's double that, and hopefully it will become a full blown series that lasts as long as Avatar TLA.

See, I've never seen it as a sibling thing between the two of them as much as a best friend/soul mate situation. One of my best friends, to this day, was a girl and we had a similar chemistry to Pete and Myka in high school. The connection for romance was always there, and we made feigned attempts at it a few times

Unfortunately Sarah Jane won't be able to make an appearance.

For what? This is not a plagiarized post and no amount of content has been lifted from the Jundland article. In fact the content of both is almost entirely different from wording, down to the dates and and facts used. The only true similarity is the article picture, but since it's a scan from an ad it doesn't matter.

I think this is pretty funny, but there are clearly some pretty uptight people commenting on this. Oh and the guy dressed as Luigi looks like Ben Affleck.