
The certified phones and tablets aren't necessarily Sony-Ericsson phones but rather phones that are running PS Suite. The only consoles they are actively supporting right now is the PS3 and PSP, with the PSVita later this year. At any given time they will likely only be giving support to two consoles at a time with a

Netflix needs to work on making sure that everything that's currently available in HD is available on Instant in HD as well before they even consider streaming 3D on Instant. I'm not at all concerned about new releases since the RedBox/Cable/Mail has them cornered in that regard, and if I really want to watch it that

Nobody is going to hate you for explaining your position. In fact it's more encouraged here than just about anywhere else. I'm quite interested in reading what you have to say that disputes the millions of years in question, not for the sake or argument (for myself at least), just for knowing your reasons.

They've been releasing PSOne games steadily for some time now. Whether or not the games are good ones is debatable (it's really not since most of the ones released are garbage lately, at least in the US) but I agree on Tomba.

If you can't find more than that to play from the Playstation Store then you aren't looking hard enough or you are extremely picky. There's a multitude of phenomenal games available that aren't 'art' games, and the two that you listed are made by the same company.

I've only been through OK once in my life and it was brown, bland, and boring. Miles of highway down completely flat terrain in the middle of the summer. If that's where the game starts and that's the impression that you got then it sounds like Insomniac nailed it.

It doesn't really bother me because I am streaming only anyways, so a price hike for DVD use isn't something to get heated over. I can kind of see where people will get mad but a lot of comments don't really make sense because most use one service more than the other. I believe this move is to address that issue, and

Talk about a shitty world ending scenario. Love the book, and usually any story involving the Moon instantly has my mind wandering to its premise even though it's completely insane. Unless that's what they want us to think. Maybe that is exactly why they are so protective of real moon rocks getting out....

Seriously. I would like to know the amount of blow consumed while he wrote this thing out over the course of four days, as close to approximate as possible, because it's probably stunning.

I at least hope this means that there will be a more uniform distribution of their games, especially newer ones, instead of the way they currently do it which is here and there whenever they get around to it.

Bioshock fan, unless you are getting posts mixed up for real.

That would give a whole new meaning to teenage pregnancy and its rates....

I did. I was expecting a game with lessons on piracy instead of privacy. I guess they won't do that since piracy can't happen with Zynga games... at least until some really enterprising hacker makes it happen.

It looks like the Crash mode fun from last-gen Burnout games, just tweaked and made the only thing you do. I think it will be a blast to play and since it's not a full blown retail release it means they are at the very least, hopefully, working on another Burnout that mixes the fun of the old games with the fun and

You can bet your ass that's why they pushed ME3 back into 2012 because even the smallest of issues would have been pointed to as the fault of a rushed development cycle. If a game is released in retail and it's sequel drops a year later then there is something wrong with the game.

Drake's age has never been explicitly stated in the games - with exception to Drakes Trail which likely isn't canon - because he certainly doesn't look, or act, like someone in their twenties. I had always assumed he was in his early-mid thirties in the first game, and that's something Amy Hennig has stated is

Agreed. I rarely buy used games and if you are buying the game new, the code is included in the price of the game. Also, a lot of games go on sale pretty quick after release so it would still be cheaper to buy the game new. The only people that should be bothered by this are those that buy games on release day that

I sincerely doubt that they are going to go with the PS+ subs that aren't paid for. They might but it's highly unlikely. I'd be nice if I got it as I both paid for my PS+ sub and bought Flower at launch, but I probably won't.

Here, start with this and do some more research on the subject you are purporting to be true:

Nobody will ever convince me that Blake Lively is a even a mediocre actress, and I am truly baffled by WB's decision to cast her over someone who probably would have been better in the role. Granted, I haven't seen the movie, but I have seen her in others. She is just blah and hopefully they recast her if they do