
My oldest son called the Tooth Fairy bluff when he lost his second tooth and I was forced to concede. He did it again this year with the Easter Bunny and I am pretty sure he has used the same logic to deduce that there is no Santa Claus. I told him the Easter Bunny was bogus but he hasn't directly came out and said

That is so wrong it's not even wrong. I sincerely hope you do not live your life by that particular gem because things could end up quite messy and/or expensive for you and those around you. Seriously, forget that line, just back away from it until it's out of sight and then run.

Only game I am getting after the two I picked up this weekend will be El Shaddai. The style of that game just grabbed me and didn't let go. Other than that I will ride out the summer on Infamous 2, Red Faction: Armageddon, and Dungeon Siege 3, with some various downloadable titles if some good ones hit.

I wish Sony could get Tomba up on the Store because I love that game. I didn't play much of Tomba 2, but I don't think I liked it as much. Crash and Tomba were the few games I played in my PSOne days that weren't made by Square, or just an JRPG in general.

There's only one thing for EA to do here: start their own fighting league, or new sport, and make a game of it. Hey, you guys may think they'd never go that far, but if you think that then you really don't know what lengths these people will go to to have an annual game.

I want a male robot to speak exactly like Callum Blue, and a female robot that sounds like Anna Torv. Make it happen before I die.... please!

I'm sure there are many games on XBL that are quite big, but with compression I'm sure they could get TF2 on there. I don't really know what Microsoft's rules are for full games and their sizes being on Live Marketplace but it would stand to reason that they would wiggle some for Valve.

I turned one of these on while flipping through movie channels one night about a year ago and it was so ridiculous that even the sex scene was bad enough for me to lose interest. This one didn't look too horrible, and I have to say that the space scene didn't look half-bad for softcore porn CG effects.

Beating Outland tomorrow. Playing Infamous 2 tonight and most of the weekend probably with some Dungeon Siege 3 thrown in there. I really enjoyed the DS3 demo and I have been playing through Dungeon Hunters with my son, which he likes, so I am hoping he'll like this as well.

No, that's not it, it's the fact that SCEA put it up for download two weeks after it was released, if they would have put it up the first week I would have gotten it then instead of today from Best Buy. The weekend it it came out I was busy doing shit, you know, outside in the sun, to run and buy it but if it had been

This is irritating the hell out of me.

Everyone go download the demo for SG now, it's at least up on the PSN so it should be on XBL as well. I loved the shit out of it.

I don't know that he's bang on about it, but after playing the SG demo just now I think Sega is heading in the right direction. It felt like classic Sonic, felt like an updated and incredibly fast version of Sonic the Hedgehog I used to play on my Genesis. I hope the other part of the game plays like an updated

You guys and gals across the pond have had much better updates since the PSN was restored and the Store came back online. Outland, BG&E, FFV & VI, etc. You got all that shit first, and I'm bitter, but I ain't mad at ya.

I honestly think they all know what the other is doing. I imagine they talk on the phone and have dinner together discussing business and what they have coming. Everything they do and say in public or for interviews is all show. They know they can't exist properly without each other, so none of them really want the

Yeah, the lag was pissing me off more than anything else.

In a perfect world - of gaming - Sony would build the hardware, Nintendo would make the controllers, and Microsoft would handle the online. That my gaming friends would be something worth seeing and playing. Maybe one day....

While I am inclined to agree with that, it still wouldn't stop idiotic, abusive asshole's from doing shit like this. People would also still have kids they shouldn't have. The only probable upside would be a large reduction in the amount of abandoned children, which is a great thing to hope for, but some bitch who

How do you know your PS3 is on the verge of YLOD? When mine bit the dust it just happened, and the same thing happened to my FIL's. It's completely random with no warning, and if you know it's going to happen and hasn't yet, get on the PS Store and buy an extended warranty for less than $50. At least you'll be covered

I have the same problem, chronic pain and fatigue, and on the worst days it's Chime and/or Flower until I feel better. Few other games can give me the same sort of sublime bliss those two do. Music also helps, lots and lots of music.