
This is one of those situations where I am jealous that future me is already playing this game.

If you ground up the Unicron's horn with the rest of the stuff there's a good chance you sent them a bag of magic money. Or you sent them a bag of evil Unicorn spirits seeking revenge for being ground up and thrown in a sack. Either way, someone should have gotten the message and owes you a flying car with a

If you cannot go further than your TV/living room that will present a problem. Not one that would keep me from getting the console, but I would hate to not be able to keep gaming while in bed or sitting outside on the porch/deck/whatever. Still excited but I would like for there to be more range, and I suspect a lot

If these hackers weren't doing it then who would be? So you say they did it to prove some point but what point is that? Sony went from release until April of this year without a security threat - except that one in EU - so if these hackers weren't doing it then who the fuck is!? I'm sorry but these people are in the

Don't know if it's been mentioned but AC 1 and 2 are $9.99 on PSN, and include DLC, might even be all DLC released. Ghost Recon 2 and RSV 2 are $9.99 as well, may also include all DLC. And Best Buy and Target are having a BOGO 50% sale that includes new releases.

I can't believe I missed that in the ad. Thanks for the update.

It was successful because of word-of-mouth and this particular entry should have all the traction as it's predecessor simply because there may be some crossover where a gamer wants all three of those titles but will only pick up one. I'm getting Dark Souls first, simply because I want the CE that comes with all the

Love this movie way too much.

Maybe. I'm no good when taking timed tests because I think about the limit more than the questions at hand. When I was a teenager and math was my enemy - for various reasons that may or may not have been due to copious amounts of marijuana - it was a major hindrance. Now I'm considerably better at math and don't let

Eh, it's not the worst, but I will still end up just calling it PSP2 since that's what it is. Same thing with the Wii-U, just going to call it the Wii 2, and I imagine a lot of people will do the same.

No it's not foolish. I haven't bought anything yet but that's because Outland isn't up on the US store yet (which pisses me off but whatever) and I have nothing to really buy. I will though and with a different way of paying but I have no reason to think it isn't safe to do so.

They don't have to keep the Wii alive to sell a Wiimote. The Wii will probably die off pretty quick once the WiiU comes out, and that's not a bad thing.

I didn't like the first movie because it looked like it was filmed with a camcorder made in '85 and hurt my eyes. This just sounds like something that nobody will watch on principle because it dials it past eleven and into bizarre land. My cousin is the most seasoned horror fan I know and if he won't watch this then I

The video on the controller could very well be something entirely different while playing the game, like a map is displayed or stats. Sort of what you get on the DS but bigger and with more clarity.

It sold me on the game and if Ninja Theory can do at least one thing right it's fun and fast melee combat. I love Heavenly Sword, even though it was too damn short, and watching this at least restored my hope the game will be good. Not sold on the way Dante looks, but I am sold on everything else.

Oh hell yes! Fuck Subway, go Penn Station.

No. The reason for the no is that this isn't a TV to drive 3D into people's living rooms by using this particular TV. This is for small rooms simple as that and nobody would seriously look at this for a living room, unless the living room was incredibly small. This TV is meant to drive 3D adoption period and make it

You're also assuming that Amy and Rory don't just start calling her River Song since she goes by that in the future, and River herself revealed it to Amy that she's her daughter. That revelation, or an attempt to keep people off of Melody's trail to use her could force them to use River Song instead.

It's okay, Zelda was touching your butt so it's totally her fault.

What Microsoft and Sony say don't mean it's what they will do, and they probably won't. I could easily see both Sony and Microsoft releasing at the same time in 2014 if the new Wii picks up too much steam but the Wii-U is only next-gen to Nintendo, in technology it's barely above current. Don't get me wrong, I want