
Or people who want to play first party games from Nintendo in HD. I won't get one for any other reason than that, aside from the occasional game that grabs my attention all my multi-platform games will be PS3. But yeah, so far nothing has been shown that cannot be done, graphically speaking, on the PS3/Xbox 360.

The name is redonkulous and stupid as hell. That's literally the only drawback I can see and I definitely want one day one. I sincerely hope they launch with a bitching Mario title though, and/or bundle with a game that isn't bleh.I just hope it's not too expensive because it will be too hard to talk my wife into it

Consoles by all makers are typically sold at a loss. As it is the PSV is the first system designed, priced, and launched not guided by Kutaragi. They said that price was what the device was built around so it's very possible it's not being sold at a substantial loss, or even one at all, but that's for other people to

Summer TV is the best and I cannot wait for Eureka and W13 to start.

Nintendo isn't lighting the world on fire as much with the 3DS and it's been shown that Sony doesn't need a particular game to answer to a particular game, neither does Nintendo for that matter. The PSV probably isn't going to destroy the 3DS or eat Nintendo's launch, but I definitely see parity for both platforms

I enjoyed it as well and I am looking forward to this, but I still wish they would get vXIII out the door, or at the very least give a release window.

I think it would be awesome if they just called it the Super Nintendo Wii....

That's the general consensus of stories I have heard and it's one the more irritating things about the PSN and Sony. Regardless of what you send in/get back or what happened, the account associated with that PS3 should be deactivated without question. They also never should have allowed game sharing if they were going

Thanks, I'll try that.

Ten hours at the time was more than enough for me. If I couldn't get into it by then I couldn't invest the time into getting into it. Now is different and I will try and likely finish it this time around. Being new to the series I didn't know what to expect, that's changed and shouldn't be a problem letting the slow

I don't know if has been said outright but the box says they will indeed be available. More devs should add trophies to games released prior to trophies as I will most assuredly re-buy games I no longer have for the collecting alone. Sure it takes time to do but maybe they could put no hires to task on stuff like

Too bad it can't, won't, etc. use a souped up Windows version of Kinect so I don't have to touch the screen at all.

I really hope this movie gets made so fingers crossed. People are generally divided over Riddick, and sure, it had its moments, but it was still a good, and good looking, movie. I'm excited to see where they take it in the sequel and hopefully it does better than 'Chronicles' so they can make another if it's in the

It might, but the demo is up now for download. The beta was neat but since the the PSN ended up gimped so did the beta.

Loved Folklore, still do, and it's a shame they didn't think about re-releasing the game with Move support and trophies because if any game that has already been released on PS3 would work well with Move, it's Folklore. A sequel would have been pretty cool as well, to both Folklore and Genji, (even though I didn't

Couldn't get into Oblivion after giving it several hours, but I am looking forward to this game. I'll probably pick up that new edition of Oblivion as well to see if I can get into it again. Since it comes with a bunch of vouchers and a coupon for $10 off Skyrim, you'd have a hard time convincing just about anyone the

If there is an in-game poster somewhere in there for the FFVII remake I would take that as indisputable proof that they are indeed making the game. Of course SE only needs to announce the game has been in secret development for a few years and that should restore some general faith in the company and their ability to

It's probably just a coincidence especially if you have an older system. There's no telling what sets them off to pasture, let it cool for 24 hours before trying to turn it on again at all, totally shut it down and unplug. When my 60GB launch bit the dust I was playing Dead Space, but I did the above and managed to

This is almost exactly what my wife told me when I asked her how it was when she finished it a couple of weeks ago. It usually takes her the course of the day to read the new SVM books and it took her nearly a week to finish it this time. She said it was just kind of 'meh' and had the same issues as you. She was