
I agree and it's been my experience, limited as it may be at just under 30, that what you said is true. I went to a private school for most of my life with both parents working in public school. I graduated from public school in a rural area and my wife grew up in a trailer park for the most of her life with parents

Delete because you won't have to wait for a rainy day to watch them as the minute you start the first episode some natural disaster will befall your general area and prevent that from happening. In the event (pun may be intended) that doesn't happen you will literally be bored to tears and go into shock, at which

It would be the Playstation Vita not just Vita.

Sometimes they do, and if not they will live blog it. Sony will also be streaming it on the PSBlog so you can watch it there also. I usually watch it and read the notes of the live blog here for all three pressers. Either way you should be able to find a way to watch it live, or download it later from the PS Store in

They're streaming it on the PSBlog also. You may have already known that though so....

I can't wait until next week when they unveil this shit so I can stop trying to imagine what it looks like and what it will do. Also, I have to know how much it's all going to cost because everything together sounds like it's going to cost a fortune... in extra controllers.

Outland is the only game I am buying when the store comes back because I love Housemarque. However, a lot of goodwill is being generated here by HM and I think it will pay off for them in the long run because every PS3 gamer will have at the very least heard about them and/or played one of their games. Dead Nation and

They may roll the Store out over the course of an evening like they did with bringing online... back online. Or they will just bring it up at once at 5pm and buckle under the people accessing the store. Hopefully they go with the former so it runs smooth.

Read the tweet's they put out and you'll agree that immature is putting it nicely.

Good. I'll replace mine and get my son one for his birthday. Might even get one for my daughter for Christmas, and one for my youngest later on down the road.

Be sure to post a picture of the complete ink. I met a guy once who had Super Saiyan Goku and Trunk inked on both of his calves, and it was pretty awesome to say the least. I'm due for some new work myself and there's nothing more cathartic than getting a new tattoo.

I have to have this immediately upon it's release, or however long it will take to get from Japan to my little part of the US.

The game was gorgeous as a 16-bit SNES game, in HD it will make you cry rainbows.

Tomorrow he's just going to be all "My bad, it's December 21st 2012 not May 21st 2011! I am sorry but please, send me millions more so we can get the good word out in time!"

I would get excited for a Birth By Sleep release but the way, and speed, which SE takes to work on things these days, well, my kids will have kids before that happens.

It would figure that when my hometown is in the news it's because some person committed an insanely heinous crime.

There's something else going on in that picture. I think there may be someone else there, or it could be his reflection of sorts. I don't know but there is a shadow being cast as though someone is standing in the background, and it is cast perpendicular to the way Bane's would. Those two points of light could be eyes

Don't promote people like that! It's okay though because I like your comment. Just remember shit promotes shit if they get starred and it's best to respond without promoting in these cases.

South America is a continent, North America is a continent, and America is the short version for the country of the United States of America. America does not encompass two entire continents, North and South America do, and trying to put it into terms the way you are is kind of stupid.

Though I can use my legs I would easily trade them up for a bionic pair. Constant pain throughout that gets worse each year reducing my mobility is slowly eroding me away and I would gladly take robo-parts instead.