
They should have owned it and just said "Our bad, but those folks are something else aren't they? Maybe the person shouldn't have tweeted it, maybe they should have, but you can't really blame them for being honest!"

They might get to other body types later. It says right now they just need slim body types and given the amount of extras needed it might be easier to cast them by body type first and then gender/culture/age specific roles later.

Did they say they were going to specifically repair your console, or did you explicitly ask that and they agreed? It's just that I was under the impression you send one in you get another back with a very prompt turnaround.

I just logged in, so no it's not, maybe in some areas but I'm good.

He's not talking about setting up in a Wallie down the street but an actual Walmart distribution center, where everything gets shipped out from to go to retail centers. Not a bad idea actually because most people would flood the stores first. He's saying that it's possible the distro center has everything in massive

I'm going to play a game for a bit and then watch Doctor Who. Hopefully by then PSN will be in OH so I can change my password.

That same logic can be applied to anything and in all actuality some crazed PS3 fanboy could do the same thing to XBL at any time if enough people go out of their way to weaken the system as much as possible. There is no guarantee it won't happen to the PS3 again, or another network for the first time so selling

The things I would do for tokens and ticket at Showbiz when I was a wee lad would make your heart stop...

This makes Yves look like even more of a tool when taken together with his statements the other day. It also proves that when he said there were gonna be ports to the new Ninty console, he fucking meant it, because they gotta make that money as cheap as possible.

Craig Engler is full of shit. There is nothing he can say that will reduce Syfy's hand in what happened to SGU because a lot of it was their fault as well. If they really cared that much about the franchise they would have worked out a way to make it work because that's what you do when a show is synonymous with you

It might stem from my childhood viewing and crush on Samantha Mathis at that age, but I fucking dig the shit out of this movie. It is so wrong it's not even wrong, but in a way it's just so right. At the time there wasn't much established in the Mario universe so this is what they came up with, and really you can't

I'm still shocked that this is a big deal anywhere. Maybe they are just in the movie to get killed though since Michael Bay seemed to agree they needed to be excised from the films. As is was pointed out he could just be saying that as misdirection and put them back in for the whole film as a big 'fuck you' to the

I grew up in a half piece of shit neighborhood surrounded by bigger piece of shit neighborhoods and ghetto's. It was also the white ghetto's and there was at least one crack house close by anywhere you went. I have never in my entire life with the crowds that I ran with encountered black people that talked the way

Agreed 100%. The Silence produce no sense of fear or dread in me but I do think they are creepy. There's something about them that just doesn't register as scary, and like you said we fear because we remember. Not knowing that you saw something scary would keep it from being scary.

This, a million million times, this is perfect.

Same here, and is it better than Legion. If it's better than both of those it's at least worth watching.


I would like to see ICP respond to themselves in hologram form, programmed to look and act exactly like them, and then unexpectedly get them in a room together. Me thinks their magic meters would go ballistic and they would start thinking that the Great Milenko has finally come and they have been transported to the