
Those two games along with Ratchet and Clank (because I'm an unabashed fan of the series even as an adult) are my most anticipated. With Infamous 2 close to release I'm hoping that I will get the desire to play games back because I'm just kind of burnt out.

It would be great if the store came up same day even though traffic would be brutal. Roll it out regionally across the globe and US but let me buy some games, especially Outland.

I respectfully disagree. First off, I'm not saying or insinuating that it's an act of desperation. It's genuinely time for Nintendo to release a new console and one that I want. You can say that's it's due to their typical hardware cycle all you want but declining sales, in a big way, is forcing their hand. Decline's

That's probably what will end up happening and what I thought would happen as part of the fallout from OpSony and the PSN breach. It's happening a lot faster than I thought it would though and they seem to rapidly imploding. Hopefully those responsible are young enough to get in trouble and use it as a wake up call to

It's sad when talented individuals would prefer being exceptionally stupid instead of exceptional.

She should have AM on the front and MERICA on the back. Up or down doesn't matter. Also, she should leave American flags everywhere she stops a crime.

Iwata is full of shit. If Nintendo stops making hardware they will become a software company because they would make piles of cash on their IP's as they are some of the most successful in the business. Not that I think that would ever happen, at least not for a long time and with some extraordinary circumstances

Future games would be made in tandem and not be considered ports. He is talking about straight up ports of games that have been released for the last 4-5 years and that there will be a lot of them. And there will be because they are cheap to do and don't need a ton of sales.

I think it could go either way, in fact it probably will with some people deriding the amount of ports and others glad. The problem is - this coming from someone who will definitely buy a NHD - those ports have to sell to people who have really only owned the Wii and never experienced them. Unless they are

While I think this is probably going to be neat, that's where it ends, and it may have been green-lit but I find it hard to believe that this show will stick. If it lasts an entire season I would be shocked. Now, if it was Sci-Fi running the show my attitude would be a bit different, but it's not, this is Syfy now.

That looks incredible, and I really hope the talk of a single player mode is legit. I liked the online of Warhawk, it played great and was really fun, but I can't play online a lot as my little ones can be quite loud at times with frequent interruptions. Three kids keep a house busy, it's hard enough to get a SP game

Stop making remakes and doing re-releases - at least not spaced so far apart in terms of release/multiple - that's a good idea and hopefully where they are going with this. Reducing dev time on the big titles so they release in a decent time frame and significantly minimizing rehashes and ports so the team size can

So you've laid out a plan for SE to go under for good then? I want Squaresoft back more than anything but a hiccup in one series(FFXIII) and a few people not liking another(KH) doesn't mean cancelling them for niche selling titles will make it happen.

I'm sure you could find what you need much cheaper 'used' on Amazon, and by used I mean somebody used it once and is selling it.

It should only feel like a 'Fuck you!' from Syfy since they cancelled it after mismanaging the hell out of it. They couldn't re-film the finale because there was no money with which to do so and they had wrapped before the cancel order hit. It's 40% MGM's fault, 50% Syfy, and 10% viewer for not watching for a variety

I'm buying two of these because you will not be able to find them otherwise if you don't and they sell for a lot of money later.

I'm picking up both seasons once they are out on BD because looking good in HD on TV is one thing but Blu-ray is another. I don't think I will ever stopped being pissed about the way the show was handled and dropped.

I strongly suggest getting Demons if you are seriously considering getting Dark. Regardless of looting/customization you'd be wise to get used to the gameplay basics and difficulty otherwise you may do something out of character from insane frustration. Demons Souls isn't impossible but it is hard, and if Dark Souls

I think this would be a bigger deal to me if games weren't going on sale rather quickly post-release. Games are pretty much $10-$20 cheaper so soon after release now that it's silly to get anything on release day unless you absolutely have to have it. If it has an online pass just wait a week or two and pick it up

I like that blog view is actually pretty much an upgraded version of the old site, but I've gotten so used to the side bar I probably won't use it that often. That said, it would be nice, as CornflakeJustice pointed out, if forum links were to be easily found on the page. Preferably near the top where the Kotaku/Fbook