
Even though there wasn't a Supernatural spoiler today I just have to say that Castiel was breaking my damn heart in last weeks episode. After that performance reducing Cas in any capacity on Supernatural would be a travesty. No, it would be a fucking travesty! The care that he and the boys share for one another is

I'm sure at this point they have a decent forecast/projection system in place that sets a guide of expectations for months ahead. This is especially important if they had a new game getting ready to drop, but it more than likely comes from DLC and bullshit items. So yeah, the potential is there for them to lose the

Click on the link in the post to get his e-mail, your comment doesn't need promoted to do that but I will anyway to make you feel better.

So you crave human interaction via headset so much that you literally can't/couldn't live without it? Sorry, but gaming has always been more fun with a real, live person sitting next to me. On that same note, I only game online with friends I know, in person, so that in the event of online not being a possibility they

Right, this is more than likely a precursor to clear out inventory before a price drop and new model, presumably at E3. Since this is a direct discount, no gift cards and such, I'd say that is definitely the case.

Jesus, that Zero pic is incredible! I want him to have his own game and look like that, but really any of these would work well for my eyes in a Capcom game. Hopefully someone is paying attention.

I agree. The may not do anything with the XMB, but it's increasingly likely that when PSN is restored everything will look and feel different. If that means a better Store interface that will be great, as well as better online playing. I'd also be nice, and probably shut a lot of people down, if they threw in

You can still play any game that's released unless it is online only. It's okay to play a game by yourself, or local co-op if it's available, you will be okay. They only said the network would be back up once and that turned out to be a bust, so now they are just covering their bases and giving a firm fate of the 31st

No, but have fun thinking that's true.

It's coming back also. Just saw a preview of the new season the other day as well and it was quite surprising but I can't remember why. My wife loves the show more than I do but I'm still glad to have it back because, well, Emily Rose is great.

These are two completely separate issues with very different effects. The fact that the question is even posed as a poll is kind of strange. Both of these things suck but only one of them actually renders you unable to play any games at all. Shit, if people can't play a game these days without playing online or with a

I kind of love this news if only because I think of Sam and Dean going to Iran to ice some Djinn that Ahmandinejad conjured up.

Just because most actors are white doesn't mean that they should cast white people in the movie. The target audience of this particular movie isn't white, it's science fiction/fantasy nerds like most of the people on this blog, and most of us want things to be true to the source.

They have been. I've seen a couple interviews in different places with different people and their response is basically the same. I did read one where the response was a little more tongue-in-cheek about O'Russels vision being strange, but the gist was basically the same.

The only way Amazon can pull something like this off successfully is to distribute everywhere they can and they might have a problem with that. Or they could start a trend where certain places get exclusive rights to sell for a period of time before it's available elsewhere. That would not be cool and would probably

That would most certainly benefit me as well.

There won't be a paid PSN on the PS3, ever, and doing so would be an absolute nightmare for them. Why the hell would the PS4 be offline because of this? If anything between the jailbreak and the breach I would say that the PS4 will be online with tiered services but basic online play will always be free; the PS4

I would be. There is no way in hell they would do that unless they actually went under and closed up shop for good. Not being at E3 because of these things would be an epic disaster and if the execs are tied up for this during E3 that can only mean one thing: KB in the house and on the stage for the presser!

Surely you carry around more than one broken record in that massive broken record case? I mean when all you do is spin broken records, and most of it is anti-Sony this or that, even those get old. Try mixing it up with something new, like music - also broken - to go with it. Sorry to burst your bubble but those broken