
I downloaded the demo on my PS3 and the fucker wouldn't even start. I stopped trying after about a week and deleted it, was it even kinda good?

You better watch the fuck out if Spidey is swinging towards you with his legs open because you will get knocked the hell out by his gigantic bulge. He's smugglin' more than just plums in that suit...

Nolan North has an amazing range of vocal talent and does/has done many characters in games where you would never even recognize his voice, even if you knew it was him. He might not have that right type of voice for Jackie but that's not the same as not having the chops to voice him. Big difference.

Right because the PSN being down isn't a massive loss of revenue from consumers. They are paying, out the ass, and their suffering will greatly improve everything for the end user. All we have to do is sit around and wait for our free service to come back on, and sure if you didn't cancel your cards possibly worry

My oldest son is six and he loves the shit out of Doctor Who, it's literally one of the few shows that he is ready to watch when it's on and if he misses it that night from falling asleep it's the first thing he wants to watch. The look on his face when the Doctor was killed in the season premiere was priceless: mouth

If that's the case then you should get off your Sony hatewagon. It is sensational and they did the better thing by waiting. Telling people there was a definite intrusion and we don't know what the fuck is going on with consumer data would have been an even bigger PR disaster than it has been made out to be.

So they were asked to come to a meeting about ID Theft and data safety, a meeting that was planned prior to the PSN breach, and somehow they are evasive for not going? They answered Congress' questions promptly and in time for the meeting but declined ahead of time allowing them (Congress) to move their hearing

Quick, someone send this woman a suitcase filled with Monopoly money and maybe she'll get confused and go away. Ridiculous. She should hook up with that lady that claims to own the Sun and see what kind of ruckus they can make.

And you are ignoring the fact that it was GeoHotz fault in the first place for running his damn mouth like he's the boss. If he would have kept his little bits to himself, most people would have never known about Linux security flaws, as such it wouldn't have been removed, there wouldn't be jailbreaks to put it back,

They won't be suing anyone this time, and they only sued GeoHotz sooo... what's your point? Nobody is going to get sued for this breach, people are going to big boy prison for this, not get a slap on the wrist for exposing security data.

I saw the teaser with my own eyes and was pissed when I found out that the only captures of it were the shittiest cams available. On the screen it looked cool enough to get excited about in a way that the captures don't do it justice.

I very much enjoyed the bit in the latest Who ep where he and Rory are sitting and talking about things and the Doctor makes a comment about being there when Rome fell and Rory says that he was too. The more Rory develops the more I love his character and I think it's interesting that the Doctor now has someone with

This part of season 2 is incredible and you should catch up before the big finale. Even though it's probably going to end on a giant cliffhanger, which really sucks, the ride is definitely worth it and they deserved another season for what they've done.

This conveys the creep factor a little bit better. Seriously, I think Ernie would give me piss the bed nightmares.

I was thinking the same thing. If these ten types go away then what kind of terrorism can replace it that is both new and interesting? Some of these are good and will never go away, some are played out, but all can be refined into something interesting with a different take. Tropes are tropes for a reason and they

There was a Flash teaser attached to Wathcmen I think. It was a cool teaser but it wasn't attached to many markets. I kept hoping they would actually make something of it but it hasn't happened yet. It will though, one day.

Awesome interview. I will have to read the other one later but anything these guys have their names attached to I will watch it. They have written most of everything I have loved on television for some time and their approach to writing is close to home.

Unfortunately all blame cannot be placed on Syfy in this instance. Sure they cancelled it without any second thoughts or letting it finish the season first, but MGM's financial woes played a huge part in the non-renewal. They literally started bankruptcy restructuring days before Syfy officially pulled the plug. In

But that is not the case in even the most extreme sense that you have presented. There are 77 million accounts because of multiple accounts. I have six, two of which I don't even bother logging into or checking anymore, for various reasons but mostly pertaining to regional things that get released first and I want to

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter on my shiny new Kindle, and I must say I am digging them both immensely. My wife likes her Sony Reader more, but the Kindle is display is so clean and crisp it's incredible. ALVH is the first book that I have sat down and read in a long time that's managed to get it's hooks into me and