
You can't deny that it would be awesome to bust up some zombies with a.. Buster Sword. Zany downloadable Final Fantasy gear would be pretty sweet as long as you could only use it on new game plus or something.

There have been ongoing price incentives for the PS3 and Xbox 360 since the beginning of the year though the PS3 has arguably had them more frequently. It doesn't always mean a price drop is imminent either as much as it does a testing of the waters per se. I definitely expect to see a PS3 drop at E3 since it's been

Seriously. People seem to think like this was hack job done by any old kid with a computer. When it's all said and done I have a feeling this will come out as a conspiracy that had both internal and external influences to bring it down. For those that think I mean Sony was conspiring I don't, at least one Sony

They are. Giving you a bunch of free shit is their way of bowing. Also, get over yourself.

The title of this post got me all hopeful that it was Sarah Connor, John, and Cameron hitting the movie screen not the original cast of the first two movies. No offense to the uber fans out there but that shit is played out, and most of them are either too old or wouldn't fit within the frame of the story told so far.

There is but I've done that to death several times. The icon for the initial program in program files is completely fine but when I go to properties on that the change icon button is grayed out. I'm sure there is a super convoluted way to do it but I was planning on a format prior to this happening anyway so that's

It was on sale at $0, not forever $0, and $1 x sales if millions = a decent amount of [potential] income from that one game. A lot of people will buy things for a buck and if they sell a million and her cut is 20% that's $200k. I don't know about you but that's a fuck of a lot of money, and if people like her music

I don't think it's a concern for for the quality of data that was taken as much as the quantity, at least that's not how it started, but people from all walks of life are gamers and this breach could have effectively hit just about any job position the world over. CEO's, military, etc. from the highest to the lowest.

Even though I don't game Xbox I agree with your sentiment, especially with using a KI character in the X360 version of MK. Not only would it be awesome to see a KI character be brought into this generation it would have been a great way to gauge fan reaction on a sales basis for a new game. That would actually be

Owen, just click on the File tab in any open Word doc and down at the bottom there's an Options section to click on to set your preferences with. At least with Office '07/'10 you can but I can't remember for earlier versions.

@chalkshark: Absolutely agree. There is just something about that man that makes a good movie better or a bad movie tolerable based solely on his being in the movie.

That's hilarious. I suppose they could try and then get laughed out of court.

I live in Ohio but I also thought this was fairly well known.

I absolutely agree. The whole thing has been blown out to ridiculous proportions and most of the vitriol was over not being able to get online. That was the majority of what was going around, and the rest was divided up between being mad at Sony's silence and not knowing if data was extracted.

Someone should sit him down and make him watch both seasons of TSCC so that he can ask why it's no longer on, demand they start it up again and put him in it. That's about the only way they can save Terminator as a franchise. I'll still watch Terminator 5 when and if it comes out, but the whole damn thing is likely to

I haven't gotten to do anything but run around the map so far because of the down time, but wow, massive improvement on SP's part. Can't wait to fully test the UGC and then get the whole thing going in June.

I thought they were just guest spotting, but if that's the case then both of them were awesome and more than welcome to stay on. Volker especially as he is pretty much a 180 from his SGU persona, so it was nice to see some range out of him, both of them really.

I agree. Smith has this dark playfulness to him as the Doctor that I think take everything that made the previous to Doctors great, wraps it up, masters it and improves it. I can't help but think that the day and date airing on BBCAm didn't have something to do with this and some Brits could be pissed that they pay

Either you really love yourself or you have a mirror above your bed. Could be both but if it's the latter, well, you know how awesome that it is.

If it was still 1998 and I was just a young, cocky 15 year old again.... and if my dad had lived in South Carolina then and not now, but I don't know how far back I would have to go in my DeLorean to influence those events. Oh well another lifetime maybe.