
It's so awesome that you have the most pessimistic view of something that you could possibly have and not even own it. Good on you though for shouting from the rooftops as your words fall on ears that don't really give a shit.

Very much agree with you.

It's what Anon set itself up to be. By not having any truly official structure, leader, etc. any time something happens they can be blamed for it. Not helping them is the fact that they did all this a couple of weeks ago and then stopped. I would go so far as to say that it isn't the original group of people that led

Not in this case. It was malicious. Also ask any gay person if they think faggot has harmless connotation to them.

You don't have to worry about that because you have to have a compromised console for them to pull your info. In other words, if you hacked your console then you are vulnerable, if not then it's a no go for them.

I'm with you on that but there are so many different aspects to why Syfy cancelled SGU. Fans of the old series boycotting because it was different (not a bad thing by any stretch), SciFi being Syfy instead of SciFi, not giving the show any time in repeats during the off season, not promoting the show/keeping it

That guy looks creepy as fuck and his shout out list made me shudder when I read it this morning.

The Wii 2 will not be a start to a new gen unless it is considerably more powerful than both the Xbox 360 and PS3, and I fail to see Nintendo going that route. I see them launching the WiiHD to stay relevant in this gen and to get the same third party support that Microsoft and Sony have. If the media or Nintendo

Same here. That's the problem I have with people bashing Sony for selling a system that they claim they have no real right to even though they do. When the whole thing went down I said what you said to my wife pretty much. It plays every game and movie I buy for it, streams anything I throw at it, and they have grown

Universal might but I don't think Sony ever did. Sony co-published the PSOne titles but once Naughty Dog stopped developing I think Sony stopped caring and with good reason. I think Activision was the latest publisher but Universal may still own it, or they sold it off, who knows. It would be nice if ND could take

Same here, but I want to add that I can attest to the benefits of weed in reducing pain and swelling. I have pretty awful chronic leg pain and as such have to take pain medicine, and I fucking hate it. I can't smoke pot because it isn't legal for medicinal purposes (yet), and I can't take NSAID's because they turn my

There are still several mythology pools that could handle some Kratos action, or a protagonist similar to him. Egypt, Babylon, Norse, etc. I could see the series being the absolute destruction of the old gods at the hands of Kratos or someone else that he tasks with it. Could be interesting and I doubt it would be

Sony aren't so sue happy as to sue for something they have no right to, and haven't for quite some time. Their reputation may be tarnished over the hacking thing to you and others that are in the same boat as you, but tens of millions of people could give a shit and the rest think they were right to sue.

Not what I was expecting but if I had to go with one it would be the Super Train, but heavily modified to travel anywhere. Space, underwater, crazy environments, etc.

Well mine don't and it's one of the many reasons I continue to shop at Best Buy. I have a deep affinity for electronics and I hate bullshit employees who really, without a doubt, have no clue what they are talking about. Best Buy isn't always the best place to get info, but their retail associates are always friendly

He played a psychopath in that one movie with the hottie from One Tree Hill...

That doesn't make sense. All you have to do is make the offer, all they have to do is say no. If they say yes that's their problem, but you don't have to force it on them. I buy just about everything at my Best Buy and I have never been hassled about anything except from one girl a couple of years ago and she got

I know, Reward Zone awards you with points for gift cards that you can use on anything! That's so fucking atrocious I don't know what to think, and they just give them away so freely it must take forever to amass points. Then they have the audacity to let you trade in games for a gift card that can be used for

Absolutely need a new Wii, absolutely do not need a new Xbox or PS3. Maybe a new Xbox but it's unlikely and definitely not a new PS3. Great games have been released this gen but the variety is just getting going and hasn't yet hit saturation to any degree except maybe FPS'. That's all a new generation will be is

Of course, the question in this sense is what does 'more powerful' mean? These days just saying something is more powerful doesn't do much for the imagination, as well as the fact that whatever they release as more powerful than the PS3 or X360 is currently, will undoubtedly be outshone by the next generation of those