
Regardless, Mario, Zelda, Samus in HD is all I need to hang onto a Nintendo console. A sequel to Super Metroid would be nice also, a proper one in 2D on Wii Ware.

I don't know if I could read this book and be able to suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy it. Being as I grew up in Dayton, still have friends there, and don't live far from there it just doesn't seem plausible in such a short amount of time for all of this to take place. I'll check it out though because I do

It would be really awesome if Valve could reach deep within themselves and put out a proper Orange Box for the PS3 since they are developing for it now. Probably even get the updates as well.

It should be worth mentioning that this is a game made by Housemarque and their track record, at least in my experience playing their PS3 games, is nothing short of spectacular. This game is gorgeous and I am really glad it is coming out so soon after Dead Nation.

What the hell does "more powerful than PS3 or Xbox 360 mean"? It doesn't need to be more powerful, just on par with what they offer as well as 'more HD' than the Wii! Regardless, I will be tuned in at E3 to see what they have coming and hoping that it will come bundled with an actual game from their first party

The better thing to do would have been to turn these guys into their new retro remake studio and have them start pumping out awesome XBLA/PSN titles. They could have started by releasing this game as Streets of Rage 4, sold it for $10, and made a killing.

Dead Rising 2 on the PS3 was fucking garbage and it was one of two games I purchased last fall that actually left me feeling robbed of my money. This 'version' of the game actually sounds like it will be good and fun, and not play like shit. I got the carry over concept and all that but there was no excuse for the way

"We asked P.R.omotion! to provide to provide back-up invoices or receipts for said fine and he was unable to provide them," said Tom Webster a partner at Mother, "This is something we'd prefer to handle out of court."

Nintendo will always be around, if not with a console then with games, and that's fine with me. They can also release their next console whenever they want and as long it is HD capable then I will buy it day one.

That is both heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time, but the best part has to be this kids courage to get up and tell his peers about what he has and what he goes through every single day. Brave kid and I hope he goes far in his life.

Marijuana alone is not the lone factor. It was a combo of drugs, alcohol, and likely other factors that led to this happening. People tend to forget about the alcohol part when drugs are mentioned because it's socially acceptable to be drunk but not stoned (in most places) and that's totally unacceptable to me.

Not really. They were done with this set of episodes when the cancel order came through which is what makes it suck so bad and why Syfy was extra dick-ish about it. If they had at least let them get through the entirety of season 2 before making their decision and actually worked hard to keep it on the air the


We have the same eyes and the same problem so that's pretty cool. People with blue eyes are overrated and I have never gotten less than stellar comments on what's going on in my eyes which since I'm shy at times it makes me.... regardless, green-blue hazel eyes are awesome. My wife was seriously disappointed that none

There is/was an icon for it on the store for it and you got a neat little theme to go along with it.

I did the exact same thing! I would have liked to been able to donate $50 but couldn't. I will however donate another $10 here soon because it's Japan. It's great to see such a huge response from PS3 users, fantastic really, and I hope that number continues to rise.

You wrote that Wiki entry didn't you? Regardless, as it was pointed out already it has nothing to do with Sony v GeoHotz so your point in spreading it around is pointless.

This is where Anon has mis-stepped and people will end up getting caught, arrested, sued, etc. The younger the member of the group the more rolling over they will do and Anonymous will fall down like domino's whether they choose to admit it or not.

This was fantastically written on a subject that I find myself reflecting on more and more as the years go by. Newer games, especially this gen, just don't grab me the way they used to. The last game the held me in an imaginative trance was Kingdom Hearts 2, and before that Final Fantasy X. I spent a lot of time on

Well I'm an adult and I think your cool, wanna be friends!?