
You can buy the game and a guitar on Amazon new, but separate, for just over $50 which is pretty fantastic. Can't jump on it until next week because I just got a game and Tron Legacy. Great deal and I imagine people are going to jump all over it.

So to be clear this is more UE3.5 and not UE4, correct!? And will this be used in the latter stages of this gen or the early stages of the next? Or is this UE4 and they just aren't ready to say it yet?

That Fringe call sheet had better have more to it or my wife will start breaking shit if 'our' Olivia dies because she doesn't like Fauxlivia much at all (I do though, love the way she carries herself)

Yes, yes they are.

Just get me some NZT and I will be good to go.

Absolutely! Once this is refined it could end up being a huge boon to babies and mothers the world over suffering from any number of things. It sure as hell would have been helpful for my wife when our youngest son was born and she had to go back to work quickly and stop breast feeding with little time to pump.

That would be a brain bender for sure... imagine the Doctor talking to those people as it certainly wouldn't be anything less than interesting!

They are starting to kind of sound like Ninja Theory post-Heavenly Sword.....

I was a huge fan of the Tennant run, so much so that I was really mad when I found out he was going away and didn't like the 'look' of Matt Smith as the Doctor, but I was never to be so happy to be so wrong. In fact, the I noticed all of the things you mentioned after the current series started and it has a greatly

Agreed. Having three kids myself I know that if my soon to be three year old saw fit to throw out a console, after going through the trouble of disconnecting it and everything, there is a serious problem. I hope they hang this lady for her actions because it's horrific to a degree that I cannot comprehend.

It seems like it would be a natural thing to do since they did two 8-bit ones and they were popular. Mega Man X is pure SNES greatness that needs to be revisited properly in the same manner because really, why not!?

Been waiting for them to at least put the PSOne versions up on the PSN, sure they aren't the best version but they are at least worth playing. The Japanese re-releases of the original games are nice though because I can play the ones I missed as a kid and my son can experience them as a child like I did. You never

If I was the CEO of Capcom I would definitely set a team to work on throwback titles, most assuredly a new MMX and Breath of Fire, and I don't know why they don't do more of them because they would be cheap to make and definitely make money.

So how's about a new 16-bit Mega Man X because that would be awesome!?

Stunning, after I pick my jaw up off the floor I am going to watch it again. Wow. Just incredible looking and I can't wait.

They're asking lots of questions, like "Could this really happen?" Or "What was that?"

You are not. I tried watching it on DVD but it was all muddled looking without the sharp contrasts of the neon against the black. Tuesday can't come soon Tuesday I mean.

With the seriousness that publishers, especially larger groups like EA and Activision, take Metacritic scores this could have pretty far reaching implications for individuals and quite frankly it's a load of horseshit. They need to at least put a disclaimer out there denoting the fact that this should not be taken as

Too bad they couldn't all get together and shoot a badass extended short/trailer for the rest of SGU and maybe get another network on board. As it is I am convinced that Syfy deliberately killed Stargate for some twisted reason. The fact that they ripped it out of it's time slot and were so absolute about the

North and South America, Australia, Antarctica, Europe, Asia, Africa....I count seven continents.