
@Renzo: Although I think this game looks great and would like a PS3 version at som point, the only Mickey I want to see in a game is wielding a Keyblade like Yoda.

@Jordyce: I didn't hate it but the only reason I didn't like it as much was the lack of a lengthy battle that really challenged Tony, to the point of death. The fight with Whiplash was over in about three minutes and it was just really anti-climactic.

@zenneth: I caught an episode about halfway through, late into the season, and didn't really know what was going on and changed the channel and forgot about it. I have been waiting for them to do something like they are now, starting from the beginning, because Bryan Cranston is awesome in just about anything and I

After reading about this elsewhere in the early morning twilight I was sad that this isn't what was released. It would have been crazy expensive if they launched it like this so it make sense, but I am not going to say they won't release it for this gen's Move because I could see them selling it as a Pro version ofthe

When an actress can play essentially the same role with pretty subtle differences and make me loathe her while at the same time still loving the and rooting for the version from our side, you have a winner and she should get a nod at the very least.

It absolutely sucks that this season was only six episodes long and it won't be back on until next years Halloween weekend or around it. I get the reasons why but AMC has really found it's footing with hour dramas in the last few years, and with the positive buzz around the show for several months (probably longer), I

After looking through the comments I think it's time for a poll to see what season io9 readers are born in. Probably wouldn't mean much but would be interesting nonetheless.

This look rad, can't wait.

@neums: It was a gift shop and I think if the woman who called Peter had managed to open the door, she would have been able to stay. Since she can cross naturally it makes sense that she would be able to move easier between points with which she has a personal connection to, or has been to in the past.

@Agent355: It was all over her face and I think there was a hint of it in Lincoln's as well even though he is clueless right now that the Olivia's were even switched. It should be interesting to ee how things play out on that side, with Fauxlivia knowing what she knows, what will happen when the team finds out they

The reason Olivia could travel back this time and not last was probably several reasons, the first being the massive administration of Cortexiphan she gave herself and the other being that she was already connected to the point in which she was attempting to travel.

@amazingmao: In the last episode there were 30+ locations for the parts to put the machine together in our universe, that's all of them, and Peter said that Walternate couldn't locate all of the pieces to their version of the machine, hence the reason ours needs to be built, and quickly.

Definitely getting the book on evolution as it's one of the science books that I don't have and really want/need. I still have to go through all of the books that I got my grandfather after he passed as there are a ton of old science books in there that I haven't even looked at yet.

@syafiqjabar of Mars: We got our kids those! They look weird but they are hilarious and sing when you squeeze them, and they can harmonize. I don't know how they made a squeak toy sing but they did and the results are pretty awesome.

@ShanaLD: He would be good also but Hounsou would be better. DH just....seems made for the part and looks made for the part, and while both are phenomenal actors, I just feel DH would be that much better for it.

He would be the best person to play the part. In fact, I can't really imagine anyone that could do a better job, and dude is totally badass.

Oh man, I can't wait to see this in it's entirety!

This whole thing is starting to piss me off so much that it might just ruin the reveal of Uncharted 3 for me. I'm sorry but that entire premise sounds fucking retarded and there is no way that if ND is involved, in any capacity, they are okay with this or have approved it. I don't even know how Sony could be happy

My wife is probably more excited to see this than I am and she's never even seen Tron, and my son wants Tron toys for Christmas, though he just thinks they look "sweet" so it may not count.