
@Maniac536: That was a very well written piece and I bookmarked the site because of it.However, it's likely just a coincidence that they posted the video after but since they didn't really break it down like you did it's hard to say it's a rip-off of your piece.

I would love to see JKR cotinue the Potter-verse with either Harry's/Ron's dealings as an auror, or the adventures of their kids. The universe she created is too rich to just leave lying around and I would really like to read more of it.

The only effective way for me to get hiccups is to suck down a bottle of water and only a bottle as a glass of water doesn't work for me.

The only effective way for me to get hiccups is to suck down a bottle of water and only a bottle as a glass of water doesn't work for me.

@Feyhra: I feel the exact same way but I still can't watch it with my wife because it oozes so much emo it keep getting on my clothes.

@Fenring: They are two very different beasts with two different purposes, and the main one is Sony is just selling an additional way to play games, some tailored for the contoller and regular, everyday games. They also aren't using it to prop themselves up and counting on it being successful as much as Microsoft is on

@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): He is way too defensive about it but maybe that's because he didn't want to use 3D in the first place and was forced to, I can't recall. His response though is so infantile in the broad scheme of things and he should have just said something to the effect of:

@LastAndLeast: Yeah I noticed that with Resident Evil Afterlife, and that is an inherent problem on the directors fault for not really getting what Jaes Cameron was aiming for with Avatar. They talk a big game andsay they do but having shut jumping out of the screen all the time was not the point and there was only

@Jesse Astle: Well a situation like that sucks for sure but it doesn't change the fact that it is in 2D and if there isn't another theater showing it wthin a 20 mile radius, well, that really fucking blows. However that sort of thing, while probably more common than it should be, isn't a majority issue, and is likely

The red Wii is pretty slick and it's got me thinking about getting another Wii since I sold my old one last year.

@Saboth: I've wanted an ala carte-type cable service since I started paying for my own. But I also want my guide to only include the channels I pay for so I'm not always punching in numbers and it would only take a minute to scroll through.

@kratos_hates_everyone: I love TW simply for the fact that I have 30 mb/s internet for $54.99 a month with no caps. The cable is a bit pricey but that's something I plan on remedying next year.

Sanctuary is great this season and I'm glad I started watching it again last season, and the wife loves it, it's one of her favorite shows now.

@LastAndLeast: I don't get why people still complain about 3D. Movies come in both original and extra-dimension-y, and nobody is forcing you to pick the additional dimension. On the same note, you don't have to buy he TV's or the home movie releases in 3D, or anything you don't want to.

@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): The only thing I actually don't like about 3D is that if I want to see a movie in IMAX and it's in 3D and 2D, you can only see the 3D version in IMAX. That effin' blows because if I hear the 3D in Transformers 3 is in fact shitty then I won't be able to see it in

First off, fuck Syfy, keep selling out your original science fiction content for wrestling and Ghost Hunters/reality television and you probably won't be getting much in the way of ad revenue at all.

@Thidrekr: After reading the article at the link I am convinced that stuff is here specifially for humans to munch on in case of an ELE.

@Mcmole2: I don't like it all that much either because I prefer arcadey racers where you go insane speeds and do ridiculous damage to cars in nutty crashes. GT5 is a game that matures over time for the player like a fine wine and it's something that some reviewers seem to miss.

@lilgamerman: I don't think that will be the case and I'd be surprised if there wasn't a MH game for the PS3 before it's all said and done. MH is a massive system seller in Japan and it would probably sell much better in the West since you don't have to be around other people to play together.