
Repeat after me: Officer, I DO NOT consent to a search.

Most of the time the profiles are wrong, the Washington sniper being most famous (single white Christian male turned out to be two black muslim males), but even the Unabomber was wrong, and that was one of the better matches.

Basically, the DNC law is useless. Consumers can't get satisfaction from the courts, FCC claims they don't actually handle cases.

Explain SECAM then, and other than "Something Essentially Contrary to the American Method"

So, if I've been following this correctly, you could make 3g calls, then you couldn't except on Verizon, now you can make them on all carriers? Sounds like an exclusive marketing agreement ended to me.

BeOS 5.0.3 or the open source version, Haiku, though that is still in alpha. These options require that it be no later than a Pentium III and a non-radeon or GeForce video.

Vote: Northwest Worldperks.... However, as NWA was bought by Delta, I can't recommend them anymore. Or Delta Skymiles. I guess I would go with Continental OnePass, but as they are merging with United I don't think I will ever fly Continental again. And you can't pay me enough to "fly" United. So, I'll vote for

Also forgotten: an explanation for what's the point of twitter.


Enter your email, and get a receipt sent immediately. Frankly Square is a great idea for those who are trying to start a small business on a shoestring budget. Like the friend of mine who got shorted $800 which killed his business and my mother ended up bailing him out.

Biased much?

I'd like to know where you are in CA that you can actually FIND non-ethanol gas...central valley perhaps?

I live in a relatively inexpensive part of Southern California for fuel purchases, and the cheapest place I know of currently would be a dollar a liter ($3.839/gallon). Sure, half the cost of Sweden, but what, about twice what you assumed we pay?

And don't forget, the dealer will lie when saying they've done the factory recall service. Happened to my mother on her Vanagon.

Interesting choice: Doesn't Ever Leave The Airport vs. yoU Never Intended To Ever Depart

How about an article on better using Bing services on Android?

Come now, in this post-modern era, one can get a Nobel Peace Prize for lying in an autobiography, being a terrorist, sounding okay while speaking from a teleprompter, or perhaps for even being a computer network designed for military purposes. It is no different than the Time Person of the Year being "You" a few years

I don't have one. So am I a luddite, a hipster, or a guy with a poorly designed kitchen and very little usable counter space?

I can't help thinking about whether she obtained copyright permission to use the source images. Likely not. Though watch the reaction if someone else uses her "work".

As an Opera snob, I would like to go back to the easy to read old format. Or switch that damn sidebar to the left side which is more logical for those of use who use left-to-right languages. You know, most of Gawker's readers.