
Rig Stig's day job truck?

@petersterncan: Correct, 100% were sold with automatics, as the manual was dropped.

@tonyola: The old man in me envy's you...and your Buick. :-)

@bmoreDLJ: And you want to know something? The Mercedes parts are all the bad ones. Except the rear suspension. It is merely ok. #chrysler

@David in Brasil: Yeah, 4% would be about right. Most business net less than 10% across all industries.

I find Jalopnik's remarks regarding Ms. Sklar's article self-evident. Her writing tends to pop psychology to the extent that I wonder if she just wasn't quite able to get America's second most popular Bachelor's degree.

Show of hands, who here has actually been impressed by an egg from a restaurant?

Let me point out my Volvo runs on concentrated sunshine!

@Vroomtrap: More to the point, has Google fixed the issues that prevent Google Maps from working correctly in a browser actually written to the web standards?

@markus9134: Yeah, you mean those add-ons that replace other Opera functionality?

First, it's a Toyota, which is a mark against it in my book. Secondly, I wouldn't want to drive a car named for an unfaithful woman.

Interestingly, the last three hotel rooms I stayed in did not have an available iron or a water kettle.

@MBGooner: I would be wary of any professor who is afraid of being recorded.

Yeah, well try it when you have a song stuck in you're head in two languages, and still can't complete it.

Nice to see someone was reading Popular Science in 1988 when they mentioned an Audi prototype with about the same design.

It needs solar power so it can run forever! Barring that, nuclear.