
@Erin Cummins: Order the Okra, though bacon with green beans is a very southern thing.

Independence Day! What's so hard about using the name of the actual holiday? If we're going to call it only "the fourth of July" why not say that it's "quattuor dies ante nones Julius".


@KTown_WhiteBoy: I didn't think The Prince of Darkness made radios.

@GreenN_Gold: GM said they went with the more conventional door design because they wanted to eliminate the possibility of mechanical failure in the previous sliding door access.

@JohntheSaabowner: Yeah, 600+ mile range is just a bit on the low side isn't it?

I'd say #23 is definately doing it right.

@2stroke: Depends: could you drive 65mph+ up a 7% grade highway? Because if you don't have one nearby, I do.

I wonder if it will drop right into my Volvo 745 like the 302 Windsor does.

Nice price...but only because I've been looking for somewhere to park my Volvo where the birds can't get it.

@lilyHaze: Actually no, you really need a squash to get a complete protien with that combination. It's actually split peas and rice, and wheat and garbanzos, and another I can't remember.

There is a certain irony to Chrysler being sold to Fiat, formerly partly of GM ownership, which also owns Maserati, which is under the control of Alfa Romeo. This means Chrysler will be the red-headed step-cousin to Ferarri, competing against former Chrysler property Lamborghini, now owned by VW as part of the

@Nash_Andrew: Similar to what I did for my Razr that jumped (it did I tell ya') into some ice water. Took out the battery, dried everything I could, stuck it on the charger overnight and it worked. I did the same with a Motorola bluetooth headset also.

I've found it amazingly unhelpful, as the information I would like statistics/information about the engine can't parse the query.

That reminds me, I need to change the oil in my Volvo just as soon as I can afford it. I'm almost at the service interval.

@Al Iguana: Tabbed browsing comes to mind...

Opera: because almost every other interesting/useful feature to come to a web browser started there first. Though I think I should throw a vote out for Arachne, the old graphical browser for DOS. Good times, good times.

@FurtiveParsnip: Give the line I do to the agents: sure I'll take it. I don't trust those other jokers out there.