
thank you.

So... have I watched the whole movie now?

Now playing

Thanks for all of your enthusiasm and support for H+ The Digital Series. We experienced a minor technical hiccup last night in sending out the exclusive link (how ironic is that?). Please accept our deepest apologies for the delay and enjoy your exclusive first look at Episodes 3-6.

Awesome. Thanks.

Not at all accurate for me. Not even a little. It found 1 copy of Hop and 3 copies of 3 Muskateers... Nope.

You have really put the issue of this post into stark relief. I have much to think about.

I was under the impression that you only get the first six if you subscribed by a certain time. The first two are up though.

Pretty sure io9 added the lightning effect with Photoshop. And io9 has talked about this movie a lot.

It's gonna be hard for him to give us lens flair with all the lights out... oh who am I kidding? I watched Super 8. The pitch black cave had the brightest lens flairs.

Next time try "The Room" Just... just try it. Excellent when drunk.

Abductive reasoning predates Sherlock Holmes by a few years, but even if Doyle (and his mentor who inspired Sherlock) didn't know what abductive reasoning was (called guessing and hypothesizing), they would and should have known that what Sherlock was doing wasn't "deducing". It's so obviously not deduction. The act

I've had this argument so many times that Psychopathy and Sociopathy *As portrayed* are the same thing. Now when I hear the difference improperly used I just roll my eyes and move on. Now to be fair, there is a slight difference between psychopathy and Sociopathy (Antisocial Personality Disorder). Sociopathy is

That one was a work of art.

Now playing

"One thing we know for certain, they better have a damn good explanation for why Noah decided not to save the unicorns from their watery grave."

Between now and the release of this movie, I'm going to randomly yell out WOLVERINES!!! When I'm out in public.

Since other have theories, I'll add my own. Some cities lower their key crime rates by redefining them. *cough* Houston, New York, Tucson *cough* But even that doesn't explain the larger trend. I want to say all those above are factors together (seriously, why should there be one primary cause. Perhaps a lynchpin

But Singapore, like the US, is going through a heavy nationalistic, anti-immigrant cycle right now. Much worse in Singapore. Over 40% of their population is foreign and everything from jobs to cost of housing is getting hard for Singaporean citizens. Bitterness is growing. That's why it was posted as a nationalistic

Of course that was meant to be Marvin Gaye

It's not Singapore government. It's Mentos in Singapore.

This is embarrassing... I was on r/singapore on reddit and they seem to like it... my urge to troll was great. Had to resist. This is just embarrassing. They should have gone with R&B. Barry White and Marvin Gay are responsible for way more babies than almost any rapper (except maybe LL Cool J).