
"Grand Design" Oh boy, brace for the Intelligent Designers and Creationists out there (and in here). Why do scientists keep stepping in shit by coming up with these cutesy names that are tailor made to be taken out of context? I guarantee you I will be getting an article about this emailed to me in the next few days

Some of the stats it uses are outdated. For example, right off the bat, the Lumia 900 vs iPhone it says iPhone has 425,000 apps. It has more. It says Lumia has 35,000 apps. It has over 100,000.

After the Dark Knight Rises trailer, there's a Star Trek Teaser. The glimpse of Cumberbatch... he seems to be in some sort of stasis...

I think Matt Smith has thus far been the most quotable Doctor. It's not the words themselves but his delivery. He's also the most nuanced and despite his extreme youth (compared to the other actors who have played him) he definitely gets the "old codger" vibe right. He seems like a fun manic depressive grandpa in a

I just got through watching this series a few weeks ago. I love it.

"‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.' Jim Rohn" This was a surprisingly easy calculation for me. My list only had three people. That's because I wrote my name three times. I was oddly fascinated with getting my handwriting straight.

In reference to the title of this post.

I use my phone like my tablet. I really don't need the extra storgae. if anything, I need it less for my phone because with my tablet, I only have access to the "cloud" when I'm home or near free wifi. With my phone, I always have access, and I've only come close to using my 2GB of AT&T data once (if it become

I was just complaining about this a few months ago. I have a Acer Iconia A500 with 32GB. Between Dropbox, SkyDrive, Google Music, netflix, Amazon, and a myriad other things, I think I've only used 3GB-5GB and that includes the space that apps take up.

I wish Continuum would be on American TV already. Is it weird that I feel some kind of validation whenever a show I watch is mentioned on "what to watch"?

This article... so little proof-reading. Not usual for io9. Must have been done up in a rush. I don't think tags still work so I can't put #corrections, and there are a lot to list.

I can't wait to see a full video of this.

I may side with the overall narrative (Chrome user and happy), but comparing IE7 and IE8 to current Chrome and current Firefox and current Safari and current Opera is just disingenuous. I come to Lifehacker for geek talk not horseshit.

Oh be quiet, prisoner 6... err... I mean red.pill.junkie. Everything is normal.

He's referring to the Holodeck type system in real life. We haven't figured out tactile in this real life and quite frankly the tactile aspect was the most unrealistic part of the already unrealistic holodeck.

I want what I saw in the H+ trailer. If that were developed, screw the possibility of a virus, I would be an early adopter. In fact, I would be a beta tester. All I want is AR controlled by my brain, uplink to the net, unlimited communication, direct line-in to Wikipedia and Brittanica (or information in general), and

Where is Ron Glass?

When I eat seems to have zero effect on when or how I sleep. Then again, I sort of sleep whenever and for however long. I don't use alarms, and I don't sleep many hours. But still, no matter how I eat, it doesn't change when or how long I sleep.

Spoiler for Noah... they're on a boat.

"evolutionary psychologist" stop right there. I'm going to go ahead and change the channel now.