
Dolphins have always been sluts. I refuse to swim with those molesters.

Dear lord, I've been saying that since this whole Holly arc started. It just seems so obviously the thing to do.

I've really been enjoying this show. I hope it continues.

I can get behind that.

So he should just throw her away? Is Mal also down on, I don't know, common decency and human sentiment? Does he choose not to pity the people who died on Miranda because they are the product of an attempt to make people better? Your statement makes no sense at all. It implies that disagreeing with the governments

I'm so in. That looks amazing.

NorCal and SoCal are my top bet for new states.

The New York Metropolitan area is half the population of Canada. And it's not that much larger than the L.A. Metropolitan area. Canada might as well have an open border policy. A new land grab heading north.


When does the animated Tron start proper? Did it already start? I don't follow TV much but I want to watch that.

Giffords was in the House of Representatives, not the Senate. #corrections

I propose we take active steps to preserve this comment and ensure that it goes viral in 50 years. Anyone here on reddit or other online communities that do the impossible everyday?

Now it's self-diagnosed Aspergers among the geek crowd.

Awesome. So much thought goes into zombie survival kits for neckbeards. I prefer the zombie creation blueprint. Just one more possibility in my arsenal of supervillainy.

That was great. Now I want to watch the Scary Movie series. I never have actually sat through them.

Book 3 is going to get two seasons and it's likely that so will book 4. Whatever happens, it will be a long time before they have to cross that bridge.

Umm... did you watch the same trailer and gameplay? There were barely any covenant. The few covenant guys seemed to be holdovers like the humans. This seems to be about Forerunners.

$10,000,000 for McPherson's head!

Agreed. I just watched it not too long ago and it was very good.

Thank you. This is becoming a problem. So many of these things are being released but their purpose seems to be to look good. None of them is in high enough resolution to view on your desktop, for example.