after reading farcebook all I heard after that was blah blah blah. Do you use terms like M$ Windose and tardroid and crapple too? what are you, two?
after reading farcebook all I heard after that was blah blah blah. Do you use terms like M$ Windose and tardroid and crapple too? what are you, two?
I sell a special set of magnet rings that cure AIDS and Cancer. I don't want them to get in on my lucrative cash cow... I mean humanitarian gift to mankind.
Skymall is silly. I usually laught it off and will continue to do so until they start selling AIDS and Cancer cures... then it gets personal.
Fun fact: even people like us had to learn somewhere. Almost every shady thing I know how to do on the internet now, I remember at some point learning in some forum. One doesn't just magically have the knowledge. And you can pretend all you want, but you didn't happen to be reading a textbook or some random thing and…
Same two people I automatically gravitated to. When do they ever NOT play badasses?
Philosophy gave birth to math, and scientific observation. I still consider Math a liberal art.
Both math and physics began as philosophy. In fact I would say math is still very much philosophy. It may seem far more rigid because of the way we teach it, but it's a way of thinking. It's sad to see the two sides at each other's throats. I side with the physicists on a practical level but I would never ever say…
These jokers are making people not take my Criminal Consultancy seriously! This means war.
I understood it to mean out of 100%. Let me rephrase:
I approve of this message. If for no other reason than the bold view.
Hey, I don't disagree. I was commenting on the irrational hatred of a sport before getting to know it.
The only people I unfriend on Facebook are people I don't interact with and who don't produce anything. I typically have a goal of keeping my friend list at 50, but being okay with as much as 150 as long as they're people I engage with. At present, I've gotten it down to 60 and I currently only engage with about 30.…
That's how I used to feel about American "football" as a Rugby fan. If I wanted to watch a bunch of fairies run around on a field with heavy padding and lots of rest breaks I'd go to Fern Gully. But Now I like American Football. At least, I'll watch the Superbowl. I'd still rather watch Rugby, Soccer, and Basketball.…
This trailer just slowed down my interest a bit... it just doesn't feel right. I started this year more pumped for DKR than any other movie. Now Avengers and Prometheus (which I started out uninterested in) seem more appealing...
I think I just found my favorite quote.
Sorry for the dissertation. I tend to be wordy. I probably could have said all that in a paragraph.
I was talking about my national culture, not black culture in general. I couldn't care less. It pisses me off when one of my aunts gets angry that the girl I'm dating (even if she's black) isn't from where I'm from because we don't share a language or culture. Except for the part where, I wasn't brought up in the…