
Not enough booty in Battlefield.

My second reading of the book, I thoroughly despised it. Not sure why, especially since on my first reading I thoroughly enjoyed it. Clearly enough to want to read it again.

"trained in the Nigerian military but now living out her dream as a UN Polar Guard." As a Nigerian... even this seems far fetched... "training in the Nigerian military", sufficient to become the protagonist in an action? Bahahahahahaha! Syfy channel could come up with better fantasies in the next 200 years. Like

The show was already on thin ice with me and just didn't change. Season 1 was brilliant. Season 2 was great. Then blah... One day I found myself reading the recaps and then begrudgingly watching the episode. I trudged through season 3 (though there were moments I liked). I actually skipped a number of episodes or fast

I feel you. I was the same way with Annalee and Heroes. That trainwreck died to me by the end of season two, but I kept wishing it continued just for her recaps.

Wow... I was so wishing this show was never coming back... I couldn't finish last season. I tapped out in episode 2.

That's how I'm looking at it. I think they just might do a good job... maybe... we'll see.

Excellent. I can't wait to sit down and watch the episode.

Hahaha that was meant as sarcasm. The filmmakers felt that their remake was too good for mars. I was being bitter, if that makes any sense.

Since Real Player still exists, and I recently had to fax a document... I hold very little hope that we will be rid of that terrible piece of software. But here's why I'm sure we will never be rid of it. It is a cornerstone of iTunes. iTunes won't work if you don't have Quicktime. All Apple video is run by Quicktime.

Feel the same way.

Not on mars. They decided to jettison that nonsense.

also /s — as in, not that bitter about Quicktime, but I really won't download it.

I'll have to find this on Youtube. I do not contaminate my computer with Quicktime. I already have to put up with Flash clogging up my world.

It's easy enough to passively enjoy the richness of the world, the interplay of the characters, and Tyrion slapping Joffrey's smug little face. That's what so many of these TV shows are missing. We don't just want great mysteries to solve. We want to slap Joffrey's smug little face repeatedly.

Bravo. Brilliantly done.


Yeah? If he thinks I'm going to forgive him for Avatar because he's possibly the coolest guy on the planet right now, he's got another thing coming.

I defy you to say that when you work with as many simultaneous excel sheets as I have to. I eventually had to request for upgraded equipment so that I could run three monitors. But I also understand that the use cases for multiple monitors are few. Even I had days when I had more real estate than I needed and would