
Bane is one of the most fascinating characters from the Batman universe. He's sort of been the victim of a hit job portraying him as this massive muscle head. He was always proportional in size, strength, and brain to Bruce Wayne (in many ways Bruce Wayne's mental and physical superior). You could really ask the same

"I'll likely work until the day I die." If you're like me, that's probably because your job will be the death of you.

I've been informed that Swallowing is in fact the best trick to defeat your gag reflex... :)

... Bwahahahahaha!

I just finished re-watching the whole movie. Selene tells her story but they don't show a flashback at all. Furthermore, she refers to them killing her family in the stables, and the horses being the first to be killed. Stables and horses are an interesting way to live in the 1920s and 30s. She also tells Michael that

It's a standard movie trope. make the characters seem like aristocrats by making them use received pronunciation. but that's side stepping the issue. You said she had a "faux english accent." By definition, it's only faux, if she's not english... That's all I was saying. I don't deny the numerous plot holes and the

I'm re-watching the movie as we speak.

'Murrica! Fuck Yeah!

Sure why not. I lose nothing by watching this. I love the name Selene. *shrugs* The original Underworld still has some of the best werewolf transformations (even if the end product isn't the greatest).

I don't remember them claiming she was born in the 1920s-30s. I remember her saying she was much older in the first movie. Where did you get that date from? I might be mistaken, I freely admit. Haven't watched the movie in a while. Citation needed.

Umm... how is it a faux English accent... if she's an English actress?

I wise man once said, "don't forget to bring a donkey. because there's never enough ass."

Yeah. My team went extinct this period.


The original BSG was a sack of shit.

Actually Moffat's said time and time again, that he simply doesn't have time for Sherlock at the moment, on his Twitter. But by the time he had time, the actors were indisposed.

Obligatory post about making an obligatory post about something. I am broken hearted. But at least that might give him enough time to bring us more Sherlock.

Since I signed up using my Facebook, I simply deleted my entries and revoked the app access from Facebook. That seems to have worked.

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*dvd marathon* I'll be in my bunk.