
"but like most people, most nerds especially, I have a lot of issues with sex." Umm... no. If you think issues with sex is a normal state of being for "most people" or "most nerds" you're either sorely mistaken or grossly overgeneralizing.

Nice. Now I can hide the aderall I use for studying, in the book I was supposed to study. Win-Win.

"Elephants, though? I'm not seeing how that is possible..." You realize you don't actually have to eat them after killing them, right? I don't think they meant that cannibalism is practiced by all of them, I think they meant that internal population control is practiced by all of them. They just made the mistake of

Note, you don't actually have to eat them after you kill them.

This. It makes me smile.

EA's Skate was it for me. My roommate and I played the hell out of that demo and it had hands down the best skateboarding physics and mechanics out there. It was and is honestly superior to every Tony Hawk game that came out. Skate 2 was similarly brilliant. But the actual game... I got bored with it in no time.

Any advice for WP7?

I reserve judgment for now. But I'm with you. Bring the Japanese version for chrissakes.

It was. At the time I thought it was the most polished thing on tv.

Yeah, I can't peg down the tone of the article.

I liked it at the time. I'm guessing I was their target market. But it wasn't the boobs. In fact, this is the first time I've thought of them in a sexualized way. Back then I was obsessed with Hercules, Xena, Jack of all Trades, Robin Hood, Mutant X, etc.

No thanks. I'd much rather get laid someday.

I humbly turn over all my hard won internets to you.

Never mind. How strange. I hit reload and it shows up... i probably just didn't see it the first time.

Whaa? Whoever is looking out for me out there... I thank him for stopping this abomination.


There were an odd number of typos in this article. io9 usually has some of the best writing in all of Gawker. It's just little things, nothing major, just enough to notice. It was odd.

Awww, want me to get you your pacifier? You seem a little upset.

...What... the f*ck? I love it!

I lay in bed right after waking up and just notice my breathing for as long as I feel like it. I then focus all my awareness on the tip of my big toe. I just think intently about it, visualize it, explore it with my awareness, imagine things of different weights and sizes landing on it or whatever and how they would