
Not sure what you point is.

ya know, all it would take is for people to stop writing about them...

Huh. That’s a pretty cute baby I guess. If you’re into that sort of thing. I mean I GUESS that’s a pretty adorable smile on her cutesy wootsy wittle face and.....Oh shoot! I just ovulated.

Like yours isn’t.

I just saw a tanuki for the first time a few days ago. Racoon/dog thing. I’d post a picture if only I knew how!

Yeah, some little girl ordered him and then he got bigger and started telling her she had no class and she got her dad to drop him off in the swamp.

One day, The Donald woke up to find his comb over curled on his head, asleep. He hasn’t had the heart to wake it up.

“lose a limb” how?

Actually, that was just the hair. Eventually it came in contact with the guy underneath it and now are bonded for life in symbiosis.

This is where Donald Trump came from.

Kinkajous are very, very cute:

South Florida has all kinds of weird shit running around because people buy exotic pets and when they find out they are a bitch/expensive to take care of they just turn them loose on a golf course.

Pssst, Kanye. Your wife didn’t become famous for cancer research. At least Amber Rose owns her past, where as your wife pretends hers didn’t exist.

Amber Rose was never going to passively let herself be molded into anything by this wannabe Pygmalion. And he can’t get over it.

I wont claim to know the circumstances of this break up, but it sounds like for the past few years he has been the king of "WHATEVER BITCH ITS NOT LIKE I LIKED YOU ANYWAY"

OK, I’m going to stop for one second and point out how dumbfounded I am every time both Nicole/Joel and Cameron/Benji are in the tabloids together. It’s like the the gods above tossed a pack of pop culture dice from 2001 into a Yahtzee cup, shook for a while, and dumped out those four names. “Them. Yes. In 2016, we

Isn’t the GOP the party of “use a brain-dead woman’s body as an incubator because ALL LIFE IS SACRED?”