
Because my mind is a little twisted sometimes, while watching this I imagined that instead of the Belmont we see here, we got....this one.

Nah, he tends to like the games that my wife and I play. Anything else is on his or the family tablet.

During the winter that the N64 was released, my brother and I found out we had enough Christmas money together to get one. But it was sold out everywhere (guess systems selling out around launch time isn’t that uncommon?) but a friend of my dad’s found out there was a bunch at the store in his military base. Which was

The LCL is DLC?

Is that one still glued to your ceiling under an Xbox case?

My initial thoughts after “That’s horrible!” were this:

I was thinking the same thing. Must have used that art as the reference.

Again it feels like these people are telling me that I should’ve just fucking died from cancer, leaving my wife a widow and my son fatherless, rather than get treated.
Sure, I lost my left testicle and currently gaining thousands of dollars in medical debt. But that’s not enough is it?!

I’d say if you’re going to just buy the toy and not the meal, don’t go through the drive thru. Park and go inside. That way you’re not taking up a spot in the drive thru line were people usually are in somewhat of a hurry.

How..? I imagine you could clean up the interface...but unless they still have the original videos in a HD ready format I don’t see how it’s going to look all that great and worth being called a “remaster”.

I’ll just leave this here then...

Because squid burst into puddles of ink when they touch water. Don’t you know science?

I think I read somewhere that it can mess with autoswitching switch boxes. I think it likes to send out a signal even when it’s not in use.

Sh..shut up...
it’s just onions...
I’m cutting onions...
in front of my computer....

...Getter Robo?

Wow...I’ve heard about “punchable face” but never thought about it much... But this guy. THIS guy has a punchable face.

So...where are the keys for all these vehicles? Seeing this ocean of cars makes me wonder if they keep them in the vehicles (perhaps in the sun visor like you see in movies) or do they have a massive key safe somewhere?
Wow...typing that out makes it sound like I want to steal these things, but really I’m just curious

20% if you’re a preferred customer!
“But shouldn’t it be lower if I’m a-?”
*powers up weapons*
“.....never mind”

Have perfect rating from customers who’ve survived and know what’s best for them.

Wouldn’t you be a little desensitized after everything the cast has seen from the original series to that date?
Plus, I remember what my wife was like when she was pregnant with my son, she was very grateful to have him out. If anything she should be all “Oh thank GOD that’s over! Finally have that little parasite out