While I support people pouring a little love into a passion project - I wonder if this is misguided at all: I don’t see any appeal to this project outside of pure novelty for videogame history enthusiasts.
While I support people pouring a little love into a passion project - I wonder if this is misguided at all: I don’t see any appeal to this project outside of pure novelty for videogame history enthusiasts.
Holy moly that’s a cluttered mess. They made the background look just like the foreground (with green platforms), with all sorts of stuff that look like you should be able to walk on it. Watching the trailer, I can barely tell where it’s supposed to be safe to walk or not!
It is probably that her hair stays “bouncy” even after coming out of the water, that is what draws my eye as a “flaw”.
I know they use a wetness shader because I’ve seen it. She just looks a little shiny and it’s not nearly as well used as it is in a game like Uncharted. I could be wrong, but it might only be activated by rainfall. The mental picture I have of her looking all shiny was after I swam across a river to Devil’s Thirst,…
Thats frustum culling and is basically an out of the box feature of basically any game engine, even unity.
They don’t actually unload and reload the models when the camera moves, they simply don’t issue draw calls for those parts of the memory. Unloading so aggresively on PS4 would be counterproductive since the system and GPU memory is shared, it’d need to be reloaded from HDD, and that’s way too slow.
yes they are, the camera one is called frustum culling, the 2d billboards that simulate 3d models are called imposters, and they are part of the “LOD” (Level of Detail) chain that game models often have. That works by switching between several models with less and less detail as they go further away from the camera,…
That was a pretty cool! But aren’t these standard tricks used in many other games?
Probably charge for hint coins I’m guessing.
It is almost never a smart idea to stop production on a product you havent even met initial demand for...
I would probably buy the SNES Classic, whereas I only toyed with the idea of buying the NES Classic.
Sort of. It all depends on how well you keep that second local copy current. And if that local copy allows rollbacks to previous versions. And dosen’t get compromised itself.
Ooo, so you’re a gamergater. Got it, case closed everyone!
The idea that he can’t use humor anymore in his disclosures, because he and others (primarily women) were the victim of a smear campaign and harassment, is just absurd. They shouldn’t get that kind of control over his writing, even though none of the men who were targeted experienced nearly the level of harassment as…
He is referring to GamerGate. I’m not interested in rehashing Gamergate. Don’t listen to those links, find a reputable source if you want to read up on it. They are full of false timelines and such, stitched together to paint a specific narrative.
It’s nuts. I don’t know what the OP thought he was doing, if he thought it was some kind of “public service” or what, but it’s just ridiculous. People need to realize there’s no reason to keep believing this nonsense.
How dare you?!?! This is serious business. SERIOUS. BUSINESS.
It’s kind of hard to believe that anyone still believes that lie. Also hard to believe that they are still invested enough in it to still hold a grudge about it, even when it’s obvious that the linked the article is written by someone he’s friends with in the body of the article itself. There is no accounting for…
Missed opportunity for a ‘Nintendon’t’ reference..