
teaching me to play XCOM instead

Nope. Not only is a panda doing “martial arts” not a unique idea, the warcraft lore predates kung fu panda.

So...does that mean I’ll finally get my Shrek RTS?

Well as the above comments allude to Chen Stormstout was in Warcraft 3 and pretty much had a similar model/he was a monk.

Pandaren have been in warcraft since Warcraft 3(released 2002), Kung fu panda came out in 2008

I believe blizzard had pandas in warcraft 3 which came long before the kung fu panda movies. Google it.

One of the strippers was putting herself through law school.

I haven’t even finished the LEGO Marvel Super Heroes game yet. It was a lot of fun flying around as Iron Man and smashing shit with the Hulk, but it got pretty stale.

you have everything backwards. you’re not tied to a physical copy, because it’s physical you can do whatever you want with it. if it’s a big game that sold lots of copies then the price will go down, therefore if the disc breaks then no big deal since you can just buy another for $5-$10.

Why do you consider that Bungie owes you more content than what they’ve already put out?

I never understood the twin snakes hate. I loved it.

Eh, a tweet doesn’t mean a thing. Unless these guys have legal on paper permission I don’t see this going anywhere. Especially given Konami’s past behavior.

A college buddy of mine swore by Pai-Gow Poker as the best way to squeeze as many free drinks out of casino’s, maybe not the best way to stack chips, but a really good way to sustain a table presence for little money spent.

I was right there with you up until this:

Yes. I gave up on completing all Side Ops and have ignored FOB missions but my OCD won’t let me quit the Main Missions...which for some reason are repeating, just under new conditions (EXTREME, SUBSISTENCE, BULLSHIT)

I think you can get on top of the jeep, Fulton it and as it comes up, jump off the jeep to the crate.

Everything I've ever bought from them over the last 12 years is still in one piece.