The word you’re looking for is “interlacing,” not “interpolation.”
The word you’re looking for is “interlacing,” not “interpolation.”
Maybe that’s what I need to do. On Normal it becomes brutally challenging unless you run enough side quests.
I was trying to rush the main storyline and ended up giving up on the game because the content just became too difficult, but I don’t have time to do all the grindy side quests.
Shhhh--spend a few bucks extra for an SSD and your games will load twice as fast. Definitely don’t tell people this one! It’s way secret.
Sorry, I was specifically talking about console framerates :)
I thought Metal Gear Solid 5 pretty much set the bar for awesome graphical fidelity at a consistent 60FPS. Uncharted 4 and Witcher 3 also make some pretty screenshots if you are OK with 30FPS gaming.
The “noise” channel was actually quite important. That’s generally used for the drumline.
It seems disingenuous to include passengers... as long as they aren't distracting the driver it should be harmless.
Everything looks impressive except the boy, who looks like he’s being lit in a completely different way than everything else in-scene. Why is his shading so flat?!
Software engineering on games doesn’t usually include a lot of consultation work because each project and codebase is fairly unique. Where you see outsourcing and consultation is in art and audio, where things are much more standardized.
Coincidentally, iOS also needs user permission to access the camera. The only difference is that on iOS the permission request only appears once the app actually needs the camera. On Android it has to be shown at install time. Since the main app doesn’t use the camera they didn’t want Android users being concerned…
I’m a software engineer. When we hire, it takes time for good resumes to come in (it varies but it can be weeks or months), it takes weeks to complete the hiring process, and for the first month on the job, it’s a net productivity loss as we all need to take time to train and assist the new guy. If we needed extra…
Unfortunately, the discount only applies to one year’s worth. I was all ready to stock up!
Unfortunately, the discount only applies to one year’s worth. I was all ready to stock up!
Historically we would call this “freeware,” not “free-to-play.”
How about me? Wouldn’t it be cool if I managed to get out of the grays!
This strategy works for me too. It depends on your individual schedules and sleep needs; fortunately in my household it all lines up.
I have had a job in the games industry for 17 years, married for 11. I’ve had very little success with this trick. There’s still a steady stream of Sister Wives and 19 Kids and Counting on my 65" TV.
To me it looks like they removed or reduced some bloom effects on the remaster. Which would technically be a downgrade?