I bought the original iOS Katamari back when it was new and it wasn’t that bad. Gyro controls aren’t that great, but it was worth the few bucks I paid for it. A million trillion times better than this.
I bought the original iOS Katamari back when it was new and it wasn’t that bad. Gyro controls aren’t that great, but it was worth the few bucks I paid for it. A million trillion times better than this.
A price drop? It’s been easy to get for $30. Not sure how much lower you’re expecting it to go.
If I know one thing about Assassin’s Creed, it’s that NPCs that hit the water are instant corpses. (Exception: Black Flag)
The PS3 port lets you access Christmas Nights anytime. It’s well worth the money if you have fond memories of the game.
Halo 5 was, by all accounts, struggling to reach 60FPS, like many XB1 games. They even cut single-screen multiplayer because they just couldn’t hit the 60FPS target. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the helmet obstructions were a compromise to cut down the render area in a subtle way that wouldn’t give reviewers…
Driving uninsured is absolutely illegal.
That’s when you move on to a new game. “Impossibly tedious,” you say? I’ve got a backlog a mile long of games that are waiting for me to pick them up—as does almost anyone with a Steam account. Why would you keep focusing on a nearly 2-year-old game if it’s gotten stale?
PS3 uses Cell architecture, which incorporates PPC for one core and SPU for 7 additional cores.
Java is like a parasite on the Internet. I am surprised to see anything new using it (outside of Android).
We own this model. It works really well for sous vide. Also, it’s super convenient for simply resealing bags. If it’s plastic, you can probably reseal it! This comes in handy all the time. We used to own an older model, and its vacuum sealing function stopped being effective after a few years (left too much air…
We own this model. It works really well for sous vide. Also, it’s super convenient for simply resealing bags. If…
Oof, that would be deadly for Assassin’s Creed...
I dunno, I think Arika has nailed it with TGM—they just haven’t made home ports.
Couldn’t agree more. Is there any other Tetris which has the 4x4 block bonuses? I really, really enjoyed that feature when playing multiplayer. It added a extra layer of strategy to piece placement.
Can you dual-box and get to Level 10, four times? You have to play with the friend.
Wi-fi extenders are the worst! They will often slow things down. Yes, your range goes up, but your performance takes a nosedive, and they also confuse some devices.
This seems like the absolute wrong venue for VR, from everything I’ve seen and heard. Fast-moving FPS action translates very poorly into VR and makes people sick. It seems thrilling but it’d only be playable in brief bursts.
I’ve since sold it (PS3 Orange Box version). I don’t remember if it had quick saving or not, or what weapons I had. I vaguely recall some dimensional warping machine with an alien tribble-thing sneaking into it, and then a raid of bad guys into an apartment that I had to run from (dying repeatedly here), then…
If I remember right, I reached the train tracks. The checkpoint system sucked—I died there and it brought me back several minutes, and I just turned it off. Completely lost interest. Almost gave up at the part where the apartment was being raided—very hard to figure out the “correct” path.
I didn’t play HL2 when it was new. I recently tried picking up the PS3 version and giving it a try—not impressed at all. I can see it was probably revolutionary when it was new, but it’s average today. They're not making any new rabid fans in 2015.
The Raiden mask actually changes the cutscene’s vibe a lot, IMO.