I ordered one and then cancelled it once I read the Amazon reviews. The printer has issues with wireless connectivity. For instance, AirPrint no longer works if you’ve updated to iOS 8. Also, the printer can “go to sleep” and then fail to make any wi-fi connections at all until you wake it up manually by pressing a…
I ordered one and then cancelled it once I read the Amazon reviews. The printer has issues with wireless…
Well, I can’t speak to Unity, since I have only played a few sequences in that one, but it’s like that in all the previous games.
Watch out on that Dell laser printer. It lists Airprint compatibility but according to Amazon reviewers, that broke in iOS 8. Also, apparently it has trouble “waking up” if you wi-fi print to it after it’s been idle for a while; known issue they won’t fix. Great price, but only if you’re going to be using it over USB.
Watch out on that Dell laser printer. It lists Airprint compatibility but according to Amazon reviewers, that broke…
The craziest thing you ever did was re-buy a game on a different console? Man, you’ve got to live a little! :P
They roll around on the floor and moan; they’re still alive, hypothetically, but like I was saying, from a gameplay point of view there isn’t any difference. They’re lootable; NPCs treat it like seeing a dead body; you can’t get past “no-kill” scenarios via knockout. I can’t remember what happens if you further damage…
Or, you know, an AC game before Unity. Whistling was in AC2/3/4 and all of the side games based on those engines. Not sure what the OP means about “nonlethal” combat—the old games let you brawl, and the enemies would get “knocked out” instead of dying, but from a game mechanic perspective there was almost no…
There are plenty of sales if you keep your ear to the ground. I got AC: Rogue shrinkwrapped for $25 around Christmas. AC: Unity has been under $20 at times. AC4 and AC:Unity were pack-in digital code with the Xbox One, so lots of folks have been unloading digital copy codes for those two on XB1 for under $20.
I can’t…
The whole Konami/Kojima situation is extremely newsworthy right now. I think the video on its own is interesting info regardless of the takedown.
I played every major Assassin’s Creed entry from 1 to the present. I have a lot of muscle memory with the old scheme. They tweaked it a bit in 3 with the tree climbing, where you need to climb more delicately or you’ll fall every time, and then again with the hookblade in AC:Revelations, but those were much smaller…
The debugging games in Rogue are significantly different than AC4’s.
Funny, I felt the opposite. I never got used to the new climbing controls. I wish there was an option to use the AC3/4 control scheme for climbing.
Exactly. If changing MAX_STARS to 5 solves the problem, you are just introducing risk to change additional code. Early in the project, that’s no big deal. Later down the road, you’re way better off to do the minimal change even if it leaves behind some cruft.
Groupon has been running vanilla configurations on sale for under $250, coupon code SALE3. I have no need for an XB1 and I was tempted.
Groupon has been running vanilla configurations on sale for under $250, coupon code SALE3. I have no need for an XB1…
Call me crazy, but I think iPhone earbuds are probably better than $13 offbrand ones. They are not mind blowing but I’ve bought sub-$20 earbuds before and have usually been extremely disappointed, but the Apple buds are totally good enough for me.
Call me crazy, but I think iPhone earbuds are probably better than $13 offbrand ones. They are not mind blowing but…
Couldn't the coax cable itself behave like an extension of the antenna? I'm not sure but antennas behave in perplexing ways; just coiling up sufficient amounts of coax will make a primitive unamplified antenna.
Couldn't the coax cable itself behave like an extension of the antenna? I'm not sure but antennas behave in…
My kids had a Battat Take-A-Part 4X4 when they were small and loved it. It’s a great toy, especially for $15.
My kids had a Battat Take-A-Part 4X4 when they were small and loved it. It’s a great toy, especially for $15.
EA has given talks about the monetization of Battlefield Heroes. Players whined when they monetized the game more heavily, but statistically they played the game just as much as before—yes, some people left, but many just whined on the forums—and EA improved their bottom line dramatically and managed to turn a profit…
What's with all the hate? I think he nailed it.
I think it’s important to note that Club Nintendo coins are being phased out as we speak. You can’t even earn new coins any more; they shut that off a week ago. We should expect things to start being phased out. It’s a shame, but apparently giving away lots of free games wasn’t a priority for Nintendo right now as…