Seriously, you are sounding like the last plantation owner trying to convince his slaves to stay. Child labor laws are to prevent 12 year olds from learning? lol. Yeah nothing like six year olds “learning” to pick slag at the top of a coal breaker. Maybe if they study that real hard they can graduate to replacing the…
Claiming I don’t want to “work towards a better human society” talk about declarations ...there you go once again disguising that what you really want is more profit, more property, more capitalism, by trying to throw out accusations and claim some moral high ground of pretending you just want whats best for everyone.…
OMG, so you just believe in some inherent magical moral trait of capitalism and the market. Honestly, this is pointless to continue. You seem to be lacking even a basic knowledge of the history of labor and even very basic principles of economics.
“At every turn the so called horrors of capitalism _require_ the power of ... the state not doing its job and looking the other way (while making it illegal for people to do for themselves).
Once again, I’m not arguing in support of “the state.” You can’t seem to understand that. And I’m not saying greed goes away. I am saying what you want is unfettered access to it though.
All you are doing is repackaging capitalism and all its greed and removing even a single iota of regulation. That is a recipe for exploitation. There is in no way that it is not. I am not saying that people can not govern themselves, and that there should be more government. I am saying, you can not escape the prison…
As I said, anarcho-capitalism is completely counter to anarchism’s core for freedom and equality. That it is even a thing is a shame. And “keep doing what it’s been doing” is not an argument to legitimize “trying” A-C or Rand-ism. There are any number of governing theories that would be detrimental to try. Capitalism…
Now you are sounding like an anarcho-capitalist, which just doesn’t work at all and defeats the point of anarchism in the first place.
I'd just flip a coin, then not like the results and go 2 out of 3, then 3 out of 5, then 4 out of 7, 5 out of 8, then 6 out of 9....until the election was over and I hadn't voted.
“Socially liberal, fiscally conservative” well now you are just quoting the happy words that libertarians try to hide behind to disquise how socially shitty they want to be.
I kind of thought/read it as they hired him cause he came with patents, as long as he stayed employed there, they could use the design and he would help troubleshoot. yeah odd strange bad dumb setup. Buts it's been done before.
Fall for the Ouya? It wasn’t a scam, it wasn't vapor, and hell on the list of kickstart failures you could do far far far worse.
Don’t like being pooped on? Well there are some really good poopers out there, you just don’t have the right ones pooping on you. I am so sick of the “oh you don’t like it? it was just the wrong stuff, here try more of it” argument. I can not possibly sit through anymore short skirted boob ladened over dramatic emo…
“If you put that much effort into a game that’s only going to sell 50,000 copies, you’ve made a bad decision.” So what? On the scale of possible bad decisions, producing a game from scratch and getting it successfully to market, even if it sells zero quantity, is still a pretty cool and enviable accomplishment. They…
It’s really not any different than everyone in the parking lot filling each other’s brains and perpetuating all the car myths. ...though then thanks to the Internet it did allow for the creation of lots of debunking content.
Are you saying that there is a difference in having your brain filled with useless bs via social media compared to useless bs via hanging out on the hood of your car in the K-mart parking lot?
Wow, throw in an IWW slogan and your panties got all bunched. Go wrap your car. are just being an ass. ok.
I don’t get it....