
An injustice to one is an injustice to all.

Lol...bad thumb typing of charred apparently, which both being words, autocorrect didn't catch for me.

Yeah I see that and I don't think, wow that's a smart $$$ idea. I see it and think, that dumbass really loves KFC, poor car. ...and then I probably drive recklessly trying to get away from it.

Better to have a fire extinguisher and not need it, than to need one and not have it. The only thing that can stop a fire is a good guy with an extinguisher. You can have mine when you pry it from my crispy chard hand. Don't burn on me! Open carry!

Wouldn't a base model be even more rare than a custom/special?

Well slashing with a knife sounds intentional. Which warrants some pissed off. But some events are called accidents.

Id rather not have $20 and not have to look at the hideous ad every time I go near my car.

Freshwater doesn't mean clean water. By the time everything else gets factored in, there is much left to choose from.

No apartment buys my coffee.

Lol, hiking through some Florida swamp I saw a 16ish year old girl once dangling her feet over an alligator while tossing small rocks on it. Her mom told her to “be careful.” She responded by saying, “I can move faster than some stupid dinosaur.” Not that I wish for a leg-less teen, but I kind of was.

#2 ...that is probably the case.

Wait....did you just actually figure out how to turn the the old FBI (Female Body Inspector) joke t-shirts into an actual uniform?

Performances are far better/more interesting when they are less than perfect anyway. Imperfection is more human and organic and unpredictable. I don’t want a perfect note for note recreation from a live experience.

I couldn’t even finish watching that “homage.” That was fucking horrible.

Oh I see also you used the phrase “it’s all good...” ALL?!?! Really? ALL? Everything single thing ever is good? Is everything not all good now that the word perfectly wasn’t used perfectly? Is now, most everything is good?

OMG he did not use the strictest definition of “perfect.” What kind of a villain is he?!?!?! I had absolutely no concept of what he was saying. It was so confusing he might as well have been speaking Greek. Holy shit I’m going to ride my pretty good hoverboard over to my neighbor’s semi decent house and alert him!

If he didn't want to be shot he shouldn't have run...oh wait....never mind.

Oh I completely agree, that was my first thought as well. I was just making a guess of what it must be...some abstract mom get to heaven platformer I guess....

Subculture varies by brand and model. Regardless though, you can always say fuck it and cut loose, do your thing, and eventually some like mind will ride by.

Pads and helmets make football more dangerous is about the most dumbshit logic there is. Think about it for just a moment more than you did. Think about the dumb stuff on youtube. Think about the helmetless squirds racing wheelies between cars just for the admiration of their friends. Think about the early days of F1