
I know it's easy to say, "Oh, the West is the worst," but these kinds of "outsiders carry disease" attitudes aren't unusual to the big bad West. Japanese even today believe that HIV is a "foreigner disease" even though the HIV infection rate in Japan is on the uptick among Japanese themselves. These problems are

Even more victims to the classic Packers/Dolphins rivalry.

Devotees of the breed will have to tell me if it's FJ80 level quality, but 20k will pick up an FJ100 at this point.

He wrote a poorly written and even more poorly edited article, but there's nothing wrong in it. Anyone who actually reads it from start to finish understands the opening paragraphs are about Monday Night Countdown, not some nonexistent dv panel discussion.

Emerson in da house!

i wouldn't blame him, i blame people not reading the entire article in context. adding the first paragraph helps at lot. so does knowing that the title to the article is "ESPN Has a Problem With Women":

Airlines should just adopt movie theater-style seating. I bet you can cram more people in that way. (Think of how many people fit into a theater in your local cineplex, and compare that to the footprint of a 777.) And no one complains about sitting in the middle of a row of 30 people when they have plenty of legroom.

my favorite is

Plus nothing I've ever read on Mccoy is that he is a bad guy,

Nobody knows what happened besides those present but I am leaning towards Mccoy's side. The owner went out of his way to try and publicly sham Mccoy instead of being the bigger person. Plus nothing I've ever read on Mccoy is that he is a bad guy, I think we would have heard about him being a bad tipper before. I think

They dropped the charge. My guess is that before seeing the video they charged her with assault to make it easier to prosecute her for it later because it's easier to drop a charge than it is to bring a new one later on.

I love Rhimes and all of her shows. She will never get the credit she deserves because her shows focus on topics important to women (relationships), and because she writes fast-past shows with a lot of discussion and drama — which is somehow considered inferior to shows where white people in period costumes quietly

Shonda is the queen of Primetime. Grey's has had it's issues over the years but I adore the show and will watch until the end. Scandal is just pure genius and I can't wait for her other new one to start! Shonda is a BAMF in my book!


Oh god, this comment - which clearly misses the entire point of the piece as self-parody - has 147 likes.

The camera adds an apple.

Exactly, this is utterly ridiculous. Anyone who has driven down I-81 knows this is ridiculous. The area covers half of Charlottesville, and all of Harrisonburg, Staunton, and Lexington. Surprising all those college students (JMU, UVA, W&L, VMI) would forego modern electronics... Are those kids examples of "Kooky