
If by 'Kotaku' you mean 'Gamespot', I heartily agree.

ACK! And who can forget Ripper!

X-Files. That is all. Just writing extra junk to get people to be able to respond...

To say that the healing of a man's servant (and no where is it implied that they were in a homosexual relationship) equates to acceptance of a homosexual lifestyle, is probably 10 times worse than the original portion of this article stating that the lines quoted related to homophobia.

You know, that 9 upside down looks like a giraffe and... Oh never mind...

I'm pretty sure that somewhere along the line the 'censored' bar is going to be copyrighted, which means any media will be unavailable to be used in any sense.

One of the dungeons near whiterun has a bucket in a dug out hole in the ground. I figured it was a potty. Maybe not though.

God was for animal sacrifice until Jesus was the once for all sacrifice. There was no need for the animal sacrifice at that point, as Jesus Christ had taken on the sins of the world. That isn't God changing His mind, that's God fulfilling prophecy. And since when was there no hell? Can you back up your claim? The

Jesus didn't say anything specifically about rape, bestiality, or pedophilia either...are you saying these should be accepted too?

Please note I said *If* I was offended to the article. I'm not. I think dialogue is an excellent thing without having to call names and berate others. Of course, this article is taken way out of context (as can be seen by other comments below), but he is more than welcome to his opinion, even if it appears to be

I 100% agree with this. Differing opinions apparently aren't allowed anymore. Everyone should hate Tim Tebow for speaking about God, but how dare someone say that something (anything) is wrong.

Le Sigh.

At least Link shook hands with his left hand... It looked really awkward though...

I used to hate 3D, then I took an arrow to the knee...

Definitely the most awesome mode. Unfortunately, died right before 750,000 badge...was around 743,000 when that darn time's up message popped.

No ripper? Christopher Walken FTW!

Really? I found a lonely bucket standing right side up in a cave in a whole surrounded by planks and just assumed...

I haven't outright warned my wife, except by singing 'Dovahkiin' whenever I walk into the house. I think she's starting to pick up that our life together is over.

I have been enlightened. I shall name my character after my wife Dawn. So in 3 weeks when she asks 'Why have you only played Skyrim and not spent any time with me?', I can answer 'But Dawn, I've spent 75 hours with you, See?'

Love it.