Nope. Definitely 2 lines. Ya know, #2...
Nope. Definitely 2 lines. Ya know, #2...
So when the screen fills up when you lose, is that .... ew. The things you can't unthink.
A few names, you can look them up:
Wouldn't that be brought to you by the letter 'V' and the number 9...ya know, VaNINEa?
Now I need to burn my ears. But seriously, Susan Boyle sounded old from the get go. BRINK Lady does not.
I bet she's hot. Just like that Molotov Cocktail...
When he pulls a gun on a soldier, he should expect to get shot.
At least add cigar guy and a cat to round out the internet meme's (piece of cake optional).
I've got Mario coming out of my bottom!
Running out to make a sign saying Ji-ha-ha-ha
Is it possible to consider this a parody? I know musically parodies are legal (think weird Al or Apologetix), but not sure if games would fall under the same ruling...
Yes. Then I heard that said zombie with a soul will be downloadable content in LA Noire as a bumbling FBI agent who falls for the medical examiner.
'The Nintendo 3DS is not recommended for children under 6'
'Battle Slots is an upcoming quest-based slot game for PC and consoles that...'
Fahey, looks like it's coming to XBLA and PSN soon as well...
Rogue Galaxy is excellent. I can't stress enough how cool it is. Funny, interesting, excellent combat, side quests, and story is good too.
I'm at 49% at 56 hours of playtime. God I need to pop that back in...
Sooner and probably cheaper than probably what Sony and Microsoft will put out in the next gen.
The problem was he was saying 'Yes Yes' and someone mistook that for 'Wii Wii'
Could this mean that Johnny Chung Lee could have helped? Even though he worked more with head tracking, the sensor bar being part of the controller makes things very interesting...3D without glasses! Nintendo strikes again!