
Wouldn't logic dictate that the right hemisphere would overcompensate to offset the loss of the left hemisphere? Since the right hemisphere is inherently the creative part of the brain, the strengthening of that hemisphere should also strengthen the traits of that hemisphere.

Wouldn't logic dictate that the right hemisphere would overcompensate to offset the loss of the left hemisphere? Since the right hemisphere is inherently the creative part of the brain, the strengthening of that hemisphere should also strengthen the traits of that hemisphere.

Wouldn't logic dictate that the right hemisphere would overcompensate to offset the loss of the left hemisphere? Since the right hemisphere is inherently the creative part of the brain, the strengthening of that hemisphere should also strengthen the traits of that hemisphere.

WTF, no Kliban cat?

WTF, no Kliban cat?

Awwwww, now I just gotta figure out how C**** works. I found Salomes post in the monday open thread and gave her a thumbs up. :-)

I was wondering where all the snark went. :-(

@Marmalade Teardrops: Um except for the fact that Assanges team leaked the names. They didn't.

@Friday: You just put into words exactly what I was unable to articulate.

I've been flashed twice that I recall being eventful.

Yo Kanye, I'm really happy for you, and I'ma let you finish, but the Kanye apology I made up in my head is the best of all time!!!