The MadSaleswoman

Okay, I'm not her biggest fan but where the hell is Britain's version of Gloria Allred? This is one of the times that you need a legal pitbull in your corner to hold the "justice" system accountable!

There's also an interesting approach of when you are the woman that enjoys it but have to "broach the subject" with your partner. This assumes that it's all about the bro begging to get a piece of the action...not that I'm in that predicament or anything.

While the Stand Your Ground law has been found to be unequally allowed as a defense, I do agree that Corey is a nightmare for ANYONE that has to face her brand of justice.

I like her even more because she was able to admit that she neglected an aspect or aspects of HER relationship that were relevant to the two people in it. If communication is important to me and my partner chooses to ignore that and I begin to have regular dialogue with another party that leads to something, while I

As a black woman who has had full lips for her entire life, I can't help but chuckle. Growing up, I was subjected to countless comments about my "big lips" and was often self-conscious about them. They didn't jibe with the Eurocentric standard of beauty I was usually surrounded by.

While I was a huge fan of the WWF, I have long since stopped watching wrestling but I have to say the smile on Daniel Bryan's face when the crowd was cheering for him was about the most authentic thing I've seen in the squared circle in years and would make me root for him if I still watched.

I wouldn't care about her talent or her career, I have an almost 19 year old son that is whip smart and engaging but still has moments where I question why he won't clean his room, so I would have a big problem with him showing up with a woman, older than me, as his potential mate. ETA: in a mom moment I must also

A&F has had an atiquated old man mentality from the very beginning: 'I only want to see pretty people, black people aren't our customers, fat people shouldn't come in here'...all rhetoric that was gladly ignored or mildly discussed but that they were never punished for. It was more offensive to the buyers to be

I'm absolutely terrified to scroll through comments out of fear that I will become irate at someone who wandered in to say that Serena being asked to twirl is not a big deal since she is obviously dressing for the attention...I saw it on Twitter and I don't have room to feel like seeing it here.

I feel like I hear about the best movies only when the chopping block is announced. School Daze would have been on my watch list months ago!

Good point, particularly because of the gloss!

This is absolutely irrelevant to the point of the story but if you know what lip color that is...feel free to reply to my post.

So how soon after the story breaks that he was purchasing drugs or attempting to purchase drugs in the area will he check into rehab or hide out down under?

Breaking Florida News: It is now easier to pose as a board certified lady doctor than a Disney employee.

Sorry friend, but the train is rolling ahead on this one. I was in a town smaller than Fargo (hence, "in the town I was in") and there was an almost non existent black presence, so much so, that I was curious enough to look it up when I went back to my hotel room. The population was about 1.8% percent then and that

Okay, so since there is the requisite reference to J. Lo's booty...umm, those of us who have real, "donkey booty" (thanks Phaedra) could never wear shiny, satin pants...least of all risk jumping around and bending over in them. Some booty's are of mythical proportions and others are just media created myth.

Honestly, did you expect more from a guy anchoring the news in Fargo, ND? I visited once (business) and the black population in the town I was in, increased so markedly that people came out to see the out of town marvel...I felt like Hottentot. No one was directly unpleasant but diversity was sorely lacking and

I do love how he gets the opportunity to enjoy this little adventure without being shamed...if a woman had asserted herself in this way, the headlines on other websites would be different and Jez would have to be on the attack! Good on you guy who noshes puss at concerts!

Did they really expect to get an honest quote from her? She obviously knows how not to bite the hand that feeds her. If she worked for Tyler Perry studios (yuck to all things Madea, hateful to black women, and rife with coonery but I digress), she might have said, "it's egregiously shitty. Hollywood continues to

So, parenting advice from Adrienne Bailon....anywho, as much as they would like this to feel genuine, like sisters sitting around the table celebrating one another it always feels plastic to me, including this moment. Also, when Tamera did her initial announcement of her pregnancy and issued what sounded like a