The MadSaleswoman

Exactly! She is doing exactly what it takes to stay relevant in the music industry and it's working. If the only bad press is no press, she's figured it out.

So I was a dirty snooper and had to check out this Liam Dunaway (Faye's son). His Twitter is now rife with retweets about Ariana's a little creepy. He is also 13 years older than she is but I like 'em old so who am I...

World's worst sex idea coupled with world's worst re-enactors.

I love the Bradenburg Concerto to this...comment, it reminds me of something my hilariously snarky and way too old for his years kid would say, and it's true.

It's the Rhymes Curse...leave one of her shows, get fired due to drama, or badmouth her in any way and you may never work again...or something like that. She should've called Isaiah Washington and so should've Columbus Short.

Filed under: celebrities are people too....

I'm glad that I'm not the only one. I tell my children that I want respect, love, kind words, or general show of appreciation on a daily basis which would save them a lot money and stress over what to get me once a year. They laugh but after growing up without a mother present and then seeing all of my adult

Everyone now that he got his much more famous friend to repost the month old pics. #genius

"First off you're beautiful"...(and then the video buffered) I caught myself in a moment of irony when she said thought was "why did she ask that, why does that matter?" and then...point made.

Idina is really doing the post break up "freakem" look well....

I continue to be intrigued by the story of the relationships with the three women. During the short interview segment I noticed that she mentions her connection with DeJesus, something that has been referenced before. In other interviews she didn't mention Berry much either.

Yet another reason that moving away from a major city theater opens...ugh! I can't wait to see this.

Is this a meme of Neil Tyson Degrasse??? Oh, who cares, you have just given me a little more life with this lol.

You're digging pretty deep in the hatred barrel when you mention "freemasonry", who even thinks about that as a sore subject anymore? Why don't they just add a sign with broomsticks...because witches and the silhouette of the African continent...I can keep going...

I was reading some of the outrage being directed at American's because we're so "first world" with our problems and aren't focusing on this issue consistently. This is the case in most countries, it's not inherently American. What is is inherent is the expectation that we will become involved in ANY conflict until

I agree with him 100%. I have no interest being up in arms about how offended Magic Johnson and a bunch of other wealthy black men feel over the situation. Where were all of the Clippers players PUBLICLY when Fruitvale occured? Where were all of these wealthy millionaires when he was involved in housing

I had this conversation with a black male after he said that Sterling's sexual interest in this woman meant that he wasn't repulsed by black women (ridiculous). Without really addressing that (since years of plantation owners sexual aggression with slave women while hating them should be proof enough) I told him that

I love how Shaq is so tickled by his own joke lol...classic.

It couldn't have been more offensive than the representation by "any old black guy" that then transforms the President into a ghetto stereotype..."I ain't even from 'roun here..."

I am a stickler for good service as well as being a good patron. One thing that I learned when serving tables was it's easier to placate the customer when you can and keep your eye on your money. In the case of the "onion people" in the first story, rather than explaining "how things are done here" I would have