The MadSaleswoman

I love when people share racially offensive things in the comfortable privacy of their facebook pages with the assumption that all of their friends will have the same narrow perspective and love it just as much as they do!


"People keep telling me you gotta quit your lying, but cheating and lying people is all I've ever known" favorite line.

I love Aisha Tyler, she comes across so authentic and her emotion is raw during this topic, almost too real to be sharing it at a table with Sharon (you should have shared it with us because somehow we would have made it better) Osborne and Sheryl (I would have been so excited to be the godmother of a baby with

1) Julie Chen changed way more than her eyelids! After giving in to the pressure of changing a natural feature so that she would be tv ready and Euro acceptable, she obviously decided to keep going because her nose is different as well. I feel for her regarding the first surgery because she bowed to the pressure that

"Overreacting on another level"
Isn't overreacting by nature taking it to another level. And since when is it overreacting on any level to expect someone to take care of something that I allow them to borrow?

What am I missing about the hand holding? If I had to hold hands with ANYONE through every moment of a date, I doubt we'd make it either! Maybe it would be more interesting if they just attempted to date without what seems like abnormal rules (couples therapy). They don't seem like they would be a match based on

It's not at all ironic that industries where men are often overlooked by women in the dating pool (rightfully or not) are as misogynistic as they are: tech, comic books...

DUI is wrong but in the Lindsay Lohan era I'm surprised by a 180 day sentence for anyone in Hollywood!

I was at a bar watching the game and couldn't hear a woed he was saying but said "what the fuck is wrong with Eminem" twice. His body language said "back on that shit"

Apparently this wealth does not impact the ability to improve upon your grammer, yes that's "your" not "you're" in this case...

This once again proves that we all have CEO potential....

As a mother of a teen son and daughter, I get it and I don't. 1) I don't want my teenage daughter posting pics of herself on the net that are suggestive in any way because they are misleading and unsafe thanks to the pervs of the world that are on searching for these things in particular. However, I'm also a Gen

This is quite impressive! (even made a die hard Giants fan ignore those Cowboy jerseys).

This (and the note to Kim Kardashian) makes me like her a bit more. I love how the "news world", which is notoriously sexist, continues to criticize her. First, she was a pushy bitch for expecting to have a leadership role at the Today Show, then a bitch for leaving, then a bitcher bitch for expecting to lead the

Exactly! I was born in CI Hospital and lived there for a few years before we moved farther into the borough. The only people that even think of BK in that "post 06 Willimasburg" way (fondly at least) are the ones that moved in as a trend thanks to SATC and Girls.

Make sure you watch the entire episode, the old lady gets better!

I am going to lose my job for laughing so loud (due to inappropriate video watching)...ISSA IS QUEEN!

No, the footage of the residents commenting and just being authentic. I grew up in BK and I'm always amazed by the new "face" of Brooklyn, this is the most authentic non-national news related post about BK I've seen in a while.

"In Texas we say things that are.." blah blah blah